Archive | Uncategorized

Coconut Cake

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

I almost called this Afternoon Coconut Cake because there’s such a feeling there, right? It’s a whole mood. It’s not just blah coconut cake blah. It’s a treat! It’s a little bite! It’s something special! Did you leave? Also, I’m not into cake. We all know that. But this kind of cake feels totally different […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRududu. This is going be a short one! Usually through the week as absurdities pop into my head I jot them down on paper to share with you all. And this week, every time a little rando thought crawled into my cerebrum I said to myself, “I’ll remember that.” Spoiler alert. I didn’t. I’ll tell […]

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Summer Tomato Pie

Summer Tomato Pie

This recipe is what I LIVE FOR. Not to be hyperbolic about it. But also 100% to be hyperbolic about it. If you have yet to make or eat a summer tomato pie, well frankly I’ve led you astray. This is the proper and only way to summer. That is, if you love tomatoes and […]

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Friday Flotsam


Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri.d.a.y.y.y.y.yy.y.y.y.y. YOU GUYS. I have the funniest story to start your Friday. I’m telling you, I felt like I was in the damn Twilight Zone, and you need to know about this so that you can pull this prank on your family. Or Taylor Swift lover. SO, last Saturday evening after a loooong day of […]

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Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

Poppy Seed Lemon Cake / Bev Cooks

Is it dessert or breakfast? Or both? Whatever you choose to call it, it’s your business. Let’s eat cake! You in? Peepeth is underway. I ended up using only one lemon, but I’m still a good person. We’re putting yogurt in it which will add this smooth, tangy element to it, and girl, it’s pretty […]

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Weeknight Chicken Nachos

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Hello, my favorite new wing-it weeknight PLATTER ‘O BLISS. But I’m not dramatic about it or anything. Nachos. We all love them. We all forget what an easy whip-it-up situation they can be and completely are. This isn’t even really a recipe. It’s just a springboard to get that noggin of yours juiced up (sorry) […]

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Friday Flotsam

bedroom / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeederrerereree! If you were a mall, what stores would you have? That’s an odd question, let me revamp that. Let’s say you were the PLAZA. The KC Plaza. And you were getting bought by new owners, and they needed a list of stores to bring to the Plaza, what would those stores be besides Aesop, […]

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