This is going be a short one! Usually through the week as absurdities pop into my head I jot them down on paper to share with you all. And this week, every time a little rando thought crawled into my cerebrum I said to myself, “I’ll remember that.”
Spoiler alert.
I didn’t.
I’ll tell you what though, the other day a video popped up on Instagram of a girl talking about books that she would sell her soul to read again for the first time. And I bucked up and said, “hit me, sister.” out loud to no one. And GUESS WHAT! One was a Nicholas Sparks novel! Can you believe that? I don’t know why I can’t believe that but I can’t believe that.
Can’t remember the book though.
Just kidding. The Wish. We have to read The Wish! Let’s start there in October. Or shoot, now if you wish! ha ha hahahh ahaha. ha?
I’ll tell you something else. I’m about to sit down and finish Sandwich and I am DYING. It’s just so perfect. The family banter, the chaotic dialogue, the Cape Cod setting, the janky septic tank, the menopause, the real life of it all. I’ll report back in Stories in a bit, but omg, this is definitely a favorite. I’ll 100% be reading more of Catherine Newman.
I’ll tell you something else. Sometimes I just scroll Pinterest and look at vintage photos of Martha Stewart and Ina Garten in their spacious kitchens and manicured gardens. You see, this is how I offset all the murder podcasts! Baskets and hydrangeas and flipped collars and bobs. And it’s glorious. Highly suggest.
I’ll tell you one more thing. And I said yesterday that I’d bring it up again today, and I wasn’t kidding.
Pie books! I’d like a good pie book for my birthday later this month. I’m dying to perfect my crust. I know it has to do with the certain proteins in certain flours yada yada, but I want pretty photos, simple instructions and massive inspiration. Whatcha got?
Weekend plans?
I’m headed to the lake today! Just me. Not the family. JUST ME. I’m getting in the car alone and listening to a podcast alone (or Taylor. Alone.) and driving 2.5 hours alone and meeting up with three other old Fayetteville mom friends and sitting on a dock and drinking wine and eating salty tomatoes and kettle chips with onion dip. And get this! The temps at night are in the low 60s. And in the day, the highs are upper 70s. I will pass away of bliss. My friend Steph said the other day, “This won’t be a hot summer weekend at the lake. More like at the end of summer in Dirty Dancing when Baby’s in her sweatshirt.” This is why I love her. She gets the visual. And me.
From this week::: Your August mixtape! Get on in that. And then a faaaabulous Summer Tomato Pie. If you don’t try this, I have no idea what we’re even doing here. The video for ya.
Okay, pie books: help!
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