Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

lamp and plants / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrri think we’re officially past the snow days! Possibly. Maybe? Okay, you guys. I heard an ad for VRBO the other day during one of my podcasts, and the girl pronounced it like VERBO. Not V R B O. Not the letters all in the row, but like VERB plus O. Hahahahah! WHAT? I never […]

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Friday Flotsam

cozy morning / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeleeeedeeeeyeeeeeee. Ya know the scene in When Harry Met Sally when Sally and Joe are at the airport and she’s about to board, and Harry walks past her, does a double take, then keeps walking? With me so far? And then Sally goes, “Thank God he couldn’t place me, I drove from college to New […]

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Friday Flotsam

feet and tile / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwelcome back! To Flotsam that is. We’re back. Back at it. Swinging bats. Just kidding I don’t know what that means. But do you want to know what I really really want? I’ll tell ya what I want, what I really really want. I need new pajamas. New PJs for 2024! I’ve said this for […]

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Friday Flotsam

bedroom / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeederrerereree! If you were a mall, what stores would you have? That’s an odd question, let me revamp that. Let’s say you were the PLAZA. The KC Plaza. And you were getting bought by new owners, and they needed a list of stores to bring to the Plaza, what would those stores be besides Aesop, […]

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Friday Flotsam

snowy morning / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrit’s beginning to look a lot . . .like . . . I do love December 1st. It’s officially the OFFICIAL time of Christmas officialness. (I’m good with words.) There’s a different kind of magic in the air today, don’t you think?! The lights are twinkling in the streets, the elf is back (ugh), the […]

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Friday Flotsam

Eureka Springs / Bev Cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri need help. (shocked, you are?) We need to discuss carpet cleaner. Like a rug cleaner. Like the one directly below my house shoes right in this instant permeating dog piss up into my nostril caverns like a middle finger of doom. (I feel great why do you ask?) Charlie knows better, yes. But she’s […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall tree / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrah! tah! sa! ma! da! You want to know what else I can’t stand? (I’m feeling fine! Why do you ask?) SEEING SOCKS. Like out of a tennis shoe. Poking out like a little nosy turtle head. Nerp. I know it’s trendy. I know it’s cool with the Gen Z, but they’re wrong. I can’t […]

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Friday Flotsam

tree and leaves / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeedeeeeleeeemeemmmeeemmemee. What kind of retinol do you use? Like at night. What brand? What percentage? What formula? What voodoo potion of yesterlore of the ancient tales of yonder? Is that the way you say it? I ask because I was in the middle of a little pumpkin enzyme facial yesterday, and the lady goes, “Honey […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall leaves / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrace day tomorrow!!! (!!!!!) . (!) I’m feeling ready. I’m feeing great. I have a teeny weeny two miles left to run today and it’s an official wrap on half marathon training. I cannot believe it. Remember when I started this back in June?! Bananas. The hardest part for me during this training was reaching […]

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Friday Flotsam

moody kitchen / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I need to get back into pies! Lit-rally hadn’t planned on typing those words until they just came out of my fangies. Tell me something, and this is going to sound so silly, but (and I could google this but you’re cuter) are chess pies (like the word CHESS) the word I’m looking for […]

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