FLEE LAA DEE DAA YEE YAA YAAH YAH YOO. I need help! (<–You seriously didn’t see that coming?) OKAY, I’m on the search for the perfect coral lip GLOSS. Not stick. Not balm. Not tub. GLOSS. And don’t try to sell me on Lipsense. That is prison for the mouth. I need something with a […]
Archive | Friday Flotsam
FrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHNNY! I mean IDAY! Aren’t you just a little bit curious about Red Lobster? I mean, it is STILL IN BUSINESS. How? How has it not totally sunk by now? (<—ha! sunk. never mind.) I was at a little wine tasting last night and Red Lobster came up (obviously by me), and a dude was […]
Friday Flotsam
FREEEEEEEEEEELALALALALALALALLAida. Y. Okay so tomorrow’s December, but doesn’t it feel like we’ve all been Christmasing already for 35 entire months? I’m telling you, it’s because Thanksgiving was so early this year! (yes I’m still talking about this.) I think it was three days earlier than in past years, so errrrrrberdy threw their dang tree up […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF756745355869day. I’ve changed my mind about the Cornish hens. Oh oh! I’m still making them! Don’t look at me like that. I’m just changing HOW I’m going to make them. I’m now going to buttermilk them! (<–my fist is in the air right now.) We watched that Netflix documentary Salt Fat Acid Heat and I […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrfffffrrrrryyyyyyyaaaaaadddddiiiiiii. Cornish hens. (I’m just jumping right in.) Cornish game hens. Are they good? Because I can’t remember! I want to say it’s been since the ’80s since I’ve had a Cornish game hen. And that long since I’ve said the words Cornish, game and hen back to back. THIS IS THE THING – I’m […]
Friday Flotsam
FA RU IA DE AY. You know what I think? YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I THINK, EARL? Just kidding. I think I’d like to take a watercolor class! AS IN, me attempting to paint with paints on some sort of fabric and not completely destroy it. And I’m not talking about one of those cheesy […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFalkdsfjlkfdsjlkfdsjlksdflkjdsfjklIDAY. HAUNTINGS OF THAT BIG HILL HOUSE CRIB. Let’s discuss. Also, tons of spoilers in this, so skip to the next part if you have yet to watch it. Or hate ghosts. Or are a scaredy cat. We almost finished the sixth episode last night. And only because we kept falling asleep! I KNOW, I […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRR ahhahahaha day. Okay, I had these weird dreams that I absolutely need to tell you about. Because then you can figure out what they mean and dream read me! Is “dream read” a thing? Let’s start with three nights ago. SO, Kevin Pearson from This Is Us was in it. Which didn’t suck. But! […]
Friday Flotsam
Fruder. Fluder. Fmuler. Fmulay. Frumay. Fruday. Friday. I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS. Not really. But sort of! In a way. Actually, kind of! To some. I GOT THE NAVY BLAZER. Okay, almost. It’s arriving today! But I tried it on IN J.CREW when I had to take back the other one that made me look like […]
Friday Flotsam
Flippidy DO DAH, flippidy DAY. Okay, so I have some updates! On things. On important, crucial life matters. . . . Like the navy blazer. (obvs.) Got one from J.Crew, and it is ADORABLE. Fits beautifully in the arms and shoulders, not too stiff. I don’t feel like a politician in it. But, it’s too […]