Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Greek Chicken Tacos

Greek Chicken Tacos / Bev Cooks

Taco night! But with a slight twist. A slight Greeky twist. I know I have similar recipes on this internet blog website URL, but a couple of weeks ago I made chicken shawarma wraps, and looooved the way the chicken turned out. So I brought it over to some taco vibes and here we are. […]

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Coconut Cake

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I almost called this Afternoon Coconut Cake because there’s such a feeling there, right? It’s a whole mood. It’s not just blah coconut cake blah. It’s a treat! It’s a little bite! It’s something special! Did you leave? Also, I’m not into cake. We all know that. But this kind of cake feels totally different […]

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Friday Flotsam

moody bedroom corner / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrring break! I mean spring break! Speed Queen washer and dryer users: what settings do you normally use? Yes I read the manual. But I want to know what normal people use when they do normal laundry. For now I’ve been using the eco setting, warm water, extra rinse so that I can use fabric […]

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Philly Cheesesteak Sub Sandwiches

Philly Cheesesteak Sub Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

Easy weeknight meal alert! (this is the way we survive.) Springs sports are back. Lingering playdates in the warmer evenings are in full force and we’re in the mood for nothing but easy breezy dinners. I know you feel me. You know I feel you. And I got you covered, babe. (I never say babe.) […]

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Friday Flotsam

pretty wall / bev cooks

Frrrrrrarrrararararar! (<—?) What do we think 3am means? I mean, I KNOW what 3am is, but what do you think it means? (besides an odd way to start a blog post.) Like, why do people wake up specifically at 3am on the dot? Or do you ever? Or have you never? Or do you always? […]

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Thai Noodle Soup with Chicken Meatballs

Thai Noodle Soup with Chicken Meatballs / Bev Cooks

OMG. It’s 100% still soup season and this one is going to knock you straight to the floor. It’s rich, it’s slurpy, it’s decadent, it’s comforting, it’s easy. You shall sing its praises, I tell you! We’ll make some meatballs. Some herby, garlicky, gingery chicken meatballs. You can always sub turkey or beef if you […]

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Friday Flotsam

snow day / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrreeedeee. This is going to feel a bit different today. Partly because I don’t have much silliness bouncing around up in the noggin lately, but also I’m kind of in the mood to just be real with you all. Not that I’m not ever not real. Not really. (huh?) But this is definitely a season […]

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Focaccia Pizza

Focaccia Pizza / Bev Cooks

Ummmm it’s another snow day, so we’re making BREAD, gosh darnit. Yes please. I don’t know how you’re all faring over there on your end, but this is snow day #75,924 and we are holding on by a frozen thread. I’m keeping an upbeat attitude though, because WARMTH IS ON THE WAY ALL CAPS NECESSARY. […]

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Friday Flotsam

living room / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrappy Valentine’s Day! Remember when I used to call it Balemtime’s Bay and you were still my friend? I’d like to apologize for putting you through that. …hello? Guess what word I just learned. I’ve lit-rally never heard this word in my entire life and I just read it and learned it for the very […]

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