Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsamflotdayfri! Dry shampoo. I’ve hit the time in my life when I’m ready to talk about dry shampoo. And use dry shampoo. I don’t know what’s going on with my hair, but my bangs are starting to get a lil’ greasy only one DAY after washing. ONE.DAY. This is not normal for me. I have […]
Author Archive | Bev Weidner
Friday Flotsam
Brrrrrrrrrr! I mean Frrrrrrrrrr! Where the heck did my Viva Signature Cloth paper towels go? You know how I am about Viva Signature Cloth paper towels. If it was a cult, I would be the leader of picking out our monochromatic outfits. Seriously, are they gone or discontinued or only an online luxury now? Because […]
Roasted Red Pepper Soup
You know it’s time to slurp. This SOUP! You guys, it is borderline begging territory. The recipe comes from the back of First Frost, the novel I just finished. I put my thing down, flipped it and reversed it and made it my own. Meaning: I roasted my own peppers vs. using a jar. So […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrreedeedeeeee! First of all, it’s difficult to write these silly blog posts and posts these cozy photos with all the devastation in Los Angeles. I watch in stand-still horror as so, so, so many are losing their homes, their pets, their belongings, their whole lives. It’s unreal. I don’t have the words. I’d never want […]
2024 in Books! (Plus my DIY Book Nook, omg)
Before we get too far into 2025, we have to take a proper look back at the books we (I) read in 2024 and have ourselves a little cry. I mean recap. Let’s have a recap. But FIRST. You have to see this adorable TBR book nook thingy that Aaron made me for Christmas. I […]
Friday Flotsam
Fffffffffffffffffffffahdaaaaah! First of all, we have a new refrigerator!!! (<–three exclamation points desperately necessary) Okay, and I swear to you and Pete and the heavens above, I will never mention this fridge saga ever again after today. Hey, I’m sick of hearing myself talk about it, so I cannot imagine how utterly over this you […]
Monthly Mixtape: Wintery Burr and Flickering Purr
We’re baaa-aaaaaa-aaaaaack! Happy happy January! Are you feeling it yet? Are you in? It always takes you (me) a few days to wrap your (my) head around a NEW YEAR. We’ll talk about it more in detail tomorrow, but for today, why don’t we ease in. With this most cheerful mixtape of all mixtapes. It […]
Gnocchi, Cauliflower and Prosciutto Sheet Pan Dinner
Sheet pan dinner! I mean, what even is this sheet? Ha! Oh. I need more sheet pan situations in my life. It’s like, the ultimate life hack. You violently toss a bunch of sheet on a sheet and say sheet as much as possible. Such good sheet! And this one? Insanity. Cauliflower, gnocchi, red onion […]
Fire Cider
Fiyaaaaaaaa-haaaaa-haaaaaa! Cider. If you’re not on the fire cider train, then you best get a ticket and come aboard! (omg I’m so sorry about all of this.) Does it work? Who really knows. Could it help? Well I think so! Look at everything in it. Nothing but aromatics, herbs, cinnamon, vinegar and honey. How could […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r a y! You guys, I am this close to buying Exclamation perfume (!) for Natalie this Christmas. Talk me out of it. Or into it! See, this is why. I accidentally bought her theee most jank little tween perfume. I’m not even going to tell you where from. From where. […]