Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrace day tomorrow!!! (!!!!!) . (!)

I’m feeling ready. I’m feeing great. I have a teeny weeny two miles left to run today and it’s an official wrap on half marathon training. I cannot believe it. Remember when I started this back in June?! Bananas.
The hardest part for me during this training was reaching twelve miles. That threshold. The mental push. The physical trudge. In case you don’t know, that’s a long-ass run! (sorry, mom.) My ankles tend to give me the bird right around the ten mile mark, but it’s still doable. Tomorrow I’m counting on the stunning running weather (low of 55 overnight! PERFECT.), the energy of the race itself, and me being distracted by the scenery and collective movement of it all, to notice any pain. I can do this. I will do this.
I just need to figure out what podcast to start at the kickoff and I’m ready.
POOOOOOLLLLLAH: Racers, do you listen to music or podcasts on race days? Or do you instead prefer the sound of the sweat spitting from your pits? Half the time I trained with podcasts, the other half I trained by talking to Mindy. She’s doing the 10K so her start time is 30 minutes later. Looks like I’m stuck with a murderer!
Speaking of…

I realize that wasn’t the best way to end that little section.
But the other day I was home alone when we had a scheduled electrician come in and do whatever electricians do. Something about grounding something in the furnace (we had to get a new furnace/AC unit last week. hold me <and my wallet> in your thoughts.) so that the house doesn’t explode from a janky outlet.
But he got here a little late, which if you know me and my regimented days, sent me into a slight mental spiral because “I will not have my shhhhedule interrupted.” (said like Mary Poppins)
But bro was late. And I had a run. And laundry to fold. And errands to run. And a recipe to shoot. So I asked him how long he thought he might need to finish the work, and he said, “Oh, about an hour.” And I said to him, “That’s fine. I’ll just be in here folding laundry and listening to a murder podcast!” And as I’m saying this the next words ALMOST CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH but I had enough wit about me in that very instant to chop them off with my brain. I nearly said to him, “So don’t murder me, hahahahaha!”
I didn’t say it. I actually can’t believe I didn’t say it.
The outlet works now.

I feel like you need a good Willism this Friday morning. No day is complete without that kid of mine shocking me into a gut laugh with his absurd questions.
For instance, yesterday morning before school he came in hard with, “Mom, what’s your favorite type of tongue?”
“My favorite what?”
“Type of tongue. What’s your favorite type of tongue?”
“Type of tongue? BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Will. I have no idea. Mine? Yours? I don’t like any of this. What’s yours?”
“I guess human. Because an ant eater tongue is awful.”
“Agreed. Here’s your water bottle, kid. Did you brush your teeth?”
He also asked me the other day why Americans are so obsessed with guns. Woof. Yeah. That’s for another day, kiddo.

Will Taylor be back in KC this weekend I SWORE I WOULD NOT BRING THIS UP AGAIN.
She’s ours now though, you realize. She belongs to uuuu-uuuuu-uuuus, she belongs to us.
My momosphere has an (obnoxiously-ridiculous-but-who-can-blame-us) text thread about all this (and I mean EV-AR-Y detail) and we like to bet on what she’ll be wearing at each game. And how long it might take to see an 87 on her. I mean, after this alleged KC house purchase it might be Sunday. Probably not. Definitely not.
I predict some more casual chic action. Boots, shorts, maybe a gold top this time? Black jacket slung off a shoulder like she tends to do?
I’ll stop.

Weekend plans?
School conferences, lawn mowing, carb loading, race running, soccer game watching, celebratory sips with my ladies, and a general just being. Also it’s going to be in the seventies all weekend so we’re flying high in the mood department.
From this week! Did you see the Cheesy Baked Chicken and Tomatoes? Zero of y’all said a word about it so I’m guessing not. Here it is again! And a how-to vid, of course.
Tell me what to listen to tomorrow morning while I run! And send my ankles good vibes! Sorry about the double !!
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