Another creamy pasta for you! Sorry? You’re welcome? Oh no? Yay? You pick.

This one has CORN in it. BASIL in it. RED ONION in it. So there are multiple avenues of excitement to peruse today.
And the cream – you can go full heavy whipping, you can go half and half, you can go straight milk if y’awnt. Whatever flies for ya.
La-heeeeet us peepeth.

I’ve got an abundance of basil in the garden right now, so I’m doing everything I can to violently throw it on everything I make. This pasta is basil heavy, which is a positive thing, but you can most certainly sub in parsley, oregano, anything else happening in your life.
But there’s something about corn and basil together that gives me giddy pants. And I don’t rightly think I’m alone in this.

We’ll chop it all up! Go heavy on the garlic. My cloves were of colossal size, so I minced three and smelled like garlic for a week. It was divine.
Chop up half your basil, and leave the other half for garnish and last minute swirl-ins.
We’re starting a band called Last Minute Swirl-ins.

Let’s get our corn, onions and basil sautéed a bit! We want it sweet, savory, soft and fragrant. We’ll add the garlic right at the end so it doesn’t burn. You know the drill. The garlic drill.

While the pasta is cooking, we’ll add the cream and simmer on low while it marries and becomes luscious and silky. Taste it in a bit. You’ll need more salt for sure.
Let’s add the pasta!

Um OKAY hello, gorgeous. We’ll squeeze our lemon all over it and stir to combine and coat. It’s perfection. Add some basil here and there. Grate some cheese on top. Do whatever you need to do at this point to start uncontrollably sobbing.

Family MEAL, bay-buh. It’s comforting but bright. Sweet but savory. Luscious but not a total gut brick.
Please please add this to your weekly (daily?) rotation.

Be sure and serve with lots of cheese! I was saving it for the servings so Aaron didn’t give me the side eye. You know the freaks I live with.

Enjoy your new life.
- 1 pound orecchiette
- 3 ears corn, shucked and sliced off
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/3 cup thinly sliced red onion
- 2 cups cream
- 1-2 cups basil, half of it chopped, the other half saved for garnish
- 1 lemon
- Coarse salt
- Parmesan cheese for garnish
- In a large skillet, heat a couple Tbs. olive oil until it easily swirls around in the pan. Add the onions and cook about two minutes, until they slightly soften. Then add the corn and chopped basil, along with a pinch of salt. Cook about five minutes, until the corn takes on a little color and starts to soften. Add the garlic and sauté another minute, until wildly fragrant.
- In the meantime, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the orecchiette and cook until al dente (according to package directions).
- To the corn, add the cream and let this simmer on a low heat while the pasta cooks. Transfer the pasta over to the creamy corn mix and let it finish cooking a minute or two. Taste it. Need more salt? Add it. Also squeeze the lemon in and stir to combine.
- Serve with reserved basil, and some parmesan cheese! Just perfect.
- Serves 4.

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