Ohhhhhh do I have a fun gift idea for you!
Not only are these gift boxes super stylish and fun to put together, it’s small business support. BIPOC-owned support. Women-owned support. Something amazing you get behind while getting that holiday list narrowed down to zilch. Boom.

It’s called Knack. Have you heard of them? A modern take on gift giving where you can either a) curate a box yourself, at your own budget, or b) have them do it! Oh wait, there’s also a c. C) You can also pick pre-made gift boxes that are by occasion or recipient or interest! ORRRR (there’s also a d) D) you can shop by ethos, which means you shop by a specific culture or community. Like sustainable, women-owned, BIPOC-owned. It’s super cool is what I’m saying.
So this box? I gave them an idea of who I am and what I like and told them to go for it. And I want to show you how it comes and what it all looks like, so that you get that first-hand look at how this all goes. I also have this all in videos in Stories today!

So it come in this lovely white box with a turquoise paper wrapping. Clean and simple. There’s a cute little note attached to it telling you who curated it and what all is in it. Gets ya all amped up, in other words.
Also, the card has a QR code on the back (along with a video!) that links to your gift’s very own website so you can re-order, find out which ethos your products supported, or gift it to someone else. Pretty awesome!

Sturdily packaged, which is always a plus.
Looks like they went the cozy route for me! I’m in. Tell you what, I’ll go ahead and the link RIGHT HERE to everything in this Spa Box, in case you’d like to shop from it. Boom.
Oh – pro tip: you can also specify nothing with lettering on it like “Bless this mess” or “But first, coffee.” You can literally say “Nothing cheugy, please” and they GET IT. It’s a Christmas miracle.
Let’s look at everything in this box, shall we?

Okay, this candle scent is perfect. It’s like, a fir tree. A pine tree. Something sprucy. Smells like a forest and it’s all I’ll ever want. And it’s in that beautiful brass container, adding a touch of warmth to the mantel. I’ve been burning it for days now and I’ll never quit it. Until it burns out and quits me. Waaaaah.

This one made me physically giddy to discover in that box. A delicious coconut/floral MILK BATH (I’m sorry but everyone needs MILK BATH in their lives) with its own natural buffer sponge. The aesthetic is lovely and now I’m craving a bath.
Be right back.

Just kidding.
Because look at this reindeer marshmallow! It was a good thing they came two in a pack because Will and Nat would have lost limbs trying to share these. They didn’t give me a nibble, so unfortunately I can’t report back first hand. But what I can report is lots of “Mmmmmmms” and “Yuuuuuuums” and “How can I make the rest of my life about thiiiiiiiis.”
I’m guessing they were tasty?

Ah, for me! The most intensely delicious chocolate with dense coffee caramel inside. I honestly think chocolate + coffee + caramel is the most supreme sweet flavor there is. This is a little bit blurry because I was losing feeling in my torso and starting to slip into a coma. SO GOOD.

And of course, you can’t cozy your face without tea. They sent me a lovely tree-shaped box of teas with warming, festive flavors. Which is also on the box BUT IT’S TRUE, OKAY?

They also included the cutest little white stemless mug. So cozy. We don’t have to talk about my nail, though.

So there you have it! I highly suggest Knack if you feel like changing it up but also keeping it simple this year. Again, here’s the link to my specific gift box, if you have interest in that! But they have SO MUCH on their site, your head will spin so good.
A couple of discount codes for you, while we’re at it!
Cyber10 will give you 10% off all purchases.
KNACKGIFT20 which is $20 off total order.
OH, and they are going to plant a tree for every Knack sold during cyber week through One Tree Planted. No coded needed, just fun to know!
These gift boxes also work in a pinch for corporate gifts, if you’re blank on what to do in that arena. (let me know if you have any discounts you’d like me to mention!) Either curate it yourself, have them do it, whatever gives you giddy pants. And remember, you’re supporting small business so how about that! Let me know if you have any questions. Giddy up, y’all.
(This post is definitely in partnership with Knack, but all ramblings and opinions are definitely my own. We coo?)
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