We painted the inside of our fireplace white! Which I’m sure by the laws of brains and decisions and common sense makes me certifiably loony. But A) I wanted to do this to see if it worked (wait why are you laughing?). And B) I wanted to document it so that I could share the results with you (are you laughing at or with me?), in case you ever had the desire to paint the inside of your fireplace white.
Because look how pretty that is!

I mean, we know it’s a fireplace. We’re aware of these facts. Fire is in there. Char and burn reside in that space for a living. It’s kind of its thing.
But look how spectacular it is!
Plus I know you’re secretly curious so let’s see how this turns out.
You’re like, “Girl we know how this turns out but show us anyway, hon.“

So this is the before. You’ll need to clean out the pit. The fireplace. The wall hole. Whatever you want to call it. I know you know this. But it’s a two-part process! A dry clean, and a wet clean. (I watched a video on the YouTubes.)

Once you get all the ash out, and the whole fireplace vacuumed with a shopvac or whatever heavy duty sucker thing you use, you’ll take a hard-bristled brush and loosen the char.
We’re starting a band called Loosen the Char.

Also, apparently I can’t take photos of char loosening without it being a total blur fest. We’re just going to move through this together.
Don’t spend a ton of time on this. It’s really just a brushbrushbrush, vacuum it up. Done.
You’re like, “I’m never gonna do this but keep going, sweetie.”

Then it’s a wet clean! You’ll take a heavy duty sponge thing like this, with a bowl of water, and just go around and scrubscrubscrub the brick until it’s less charry. Chary. Charred-like. Charred. You mainly want the bricks as clean as you can before you paint them. Which I know you know, I just feel like talking.

Here’s another blurry char photo for your life today.

Alright, so we’re all cleaned up (I tried) and ready to paint. Because it’s going to look so good.
I do wish you’d stop laughing.

This is what we used. It’s extreme high heat, won’t peel or blister. Sounds good! Ignore that part where it says “will not discolor” because we’re so happy and hopeful right now and about to paint the inside of our fireplace white. White! How cool.

Wow. Look at that. So gorgeous. So white. In my fireplace. Inside it.

And then for a final get-between-the-cracks layer, this went on. Why do you look so worried?

We didn’t concern ourselves too much with the floor. I mean, it’s going to be immediately covered in ash and wood and embers, so who cares, right? But the back and sides will look outrageously pretty.

Okay, obsessed. That little gold lip thingy is a repurposed piece from our old frame. Its main use is to keep the smoke from crawling out and darkening the white brick around it. Oh, while I have you (I think), go ahead and repaint the outside brick. Fresh coats never hurt a thing.
Look at how stunning that is! And it’s going to stay bright white for the rest of time, I just know it.
Wait what did you say? I KNOW it’s a fireplace. You don’t need to remind me.

Here’s another angle, pre-fire.
We have a wood burning fireplace. Yes, correct, we start it with gas, and then once the wood starts to really burn, we turn the gas off. Why do you ask?
Right, yes. The wood burns and releases smoke and soot. Guys it’s going to be fiiiiine. It’s a high heat paint, remember? EXTREME heat.

I mean, it’s beautiful! I’m so, so happy with this.

Oh heck yes. It has this whole rustic but clean woodsy Scandinavian feel and it is everything for my soul.
The end.
Oh, you want to see what it looks like after one fire? I mean, okay. I suppose that’s what we’re here to do.

Not too bad! I mean, it’s a fireplace. It’s where fires live and burn and char. We know this. We had to know this.
I’m still super happy!
The end again.
Oh, you want to see what it’s like after two fires? Well, if you must.

It’s a fireplace, you guys. We knew this would happen! We had to know this would happen.
But look, the sides are still white as milk. Or dandruff.
And you know what, I’m still happy with it. Three fires later and it looks the same. What I think I’ll do is: at the end of each fire season, give it another spray paint coat. That way it looks fresh and pristine all spring and summer. And then once fall hits, let it burn and char and you all can laugh at me once again.
Worth it? For ME, yes. I do love the way it looks. Even with the back wall covered in soot, it’s still worlds better than what it was before. I’d do it again.
And you know, if you have just gas flame (like, not wood) I bet it would stay so white. You should try it!
. . . hello?

Didn’t it look so pretty for five full minutes though?
The end again for real this time.
32 Responses to How to Paint Your Fireplace White. And . . . is it worth it?