
What do we think about, “I love me some ____.”?
Like when people say the words “love me some” in relation to things in this world and life. I find myself actually saying that phrase from time to time, and then I cringe and think, “I can’t be someone who says that phrase”. And then I say it again immediately.
I sure do love me some folksy Swift. (I swear I’ll stop talking about this someday.)
Ohhhhhhh I love me some buttermilk chicken.
GURL, I so love me some Randy Rainbow.
Why do we say this? What’s wrong with us? How can we stop?
Also, “FAN OF.” My mom cannot stand that phrase and it makes me giggle so much. “Just say you don’t like it! How hard is that?”
SO MOM, what you’re saying is, you’re not a fan of “not a fan of?” That one nearly did her in, you guys.
These are the things I think about at night and all the time.

I saw this question on one of my IG pal’s Stories, and it was SO MEANT for this platform, so I’m gonna ask you the same because I feel like the responses will be so freaking stellar.
What’s the worst (best?) autocorrect disaster you’ve ever encountered? The sending OR receiving end, spill it. Dying to hear these.
I’m trying to think of mine. Honestly my top-of-head answers are so lame. But I can’t stand when autocorrect changes were to we’re. Or vice versa. Or its to it’s. (“You would not use “it’s” in this place. As a possessive. It’s a contraction. What’s a contraction?” -name that song.)
Or when it adds an apostrophe to days of the week in plural form when it’s NOT NEEDED. I want to scream every time. Not a fan of that at all.
Your answers are going to be so good. I can already tell I’m going to loooove me some of this.

Oh, book update! (because I know you can’t sleep without these details.)
This week I finished Never Have I Ever. Obviously I loved it. Twisted and dark in places. Unexpected ending. Psycho demented characters. Yes, please. I just started another summery book called Feels Like Falling, and I’m already hooked. I love stories that go back and forth between two wildly different characters/points of views. I’m still only 48 pages in, but I can tell it’s gonna be a delicious southern doozy.
After THIS, The Vanishing Half is happening. I’ve heard nothing but glowing reviews, so I’m super excited to get in that.
Ashlee and I are already crafting our next round of books, which will be carrying us in fetal position straight into fall. Remember last week when I asked you all if you listen to classical music while reading?
WELL, a) I’ve been doing that! Okay, only two times because I keep forgetting. And b) Ash had the brilliant idea of doing a whole classic book/classical music PAIRING. Do you want to know the obscene amount of giddy pants I’m experiencing over this? It’s like a good cheese and rosé pairing. Only with ink on tree bark and sound waves in eardrums. How could we not be into this? I’ll keep you posted on the WHAT AND WHEN, boo boo babes. (<–sorry)
One more thing about books before I release you from my death grip: have any of you ever read the eight-book Freida Klein murder mystery series by the Nicci French duo? Is that something to tackle in the colder months? Just think about it. No pressure. I’m breezy! (“You can’t say you’re breezy. That totally negates the breezy!” – name that show.)

You’re like, wait, where has RANDY RAINBOW been my entire life?
You’re welcome.

Weekend plans?
My parents are coming to visit! We’ve not seen them since T H A N K S G I V I N G. Of 1986. We all got THE COV test and have been hunkered since. Now that we’ve all received our good clean bill of health, they’re in the car. And they’re packing little sandwiches in a 1977 muted red and white thermos from Sears so they don’t have to stop because that’s the Blanns for ya and I love it so hard.
From this week in case you missed it!: August’s mixtape! I loveloveLOVE that so many of you are so into it. The messages you’ve been sending waaaaarm meh to the moon, you have no idea. Also, this Creamy Chicken and Beans deliciousness. It’s a MUST for these times we’re living, you guys. Get in all of that.
Autocorrect mishaps – go! I’m so excited.
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