I mean, August!
I mean, August.
I mean, AUGUST.
I’ve been wanting to make you this mixtape foreeeeeverrrrr. (Sandlot style) And I find it rather appropriate that I’m sharing it on the heels of a refreshing, inspiring, spirit (and spirits) lifting weekend with a solid group of besties. (minus two sorely-missed faces.)
I also find it appropriate that I’m sharing it with you during the month of August, which happens to be my birthday month! I’ll turn 25 this year. (Plus 30, minus 14, times the past participle of jowls.)
But before I tell you about this mixtape, I need to warn you about something. Matter of fact, I feel like I need to look you straight in the eye while I tell you this unearthing but concrete truth. You deserve it. I deserve it!
(Dudes be like, “Nnnnnope.”)
(Are you okay?)
It all started when a friend of mine introduced me to Fumbling Towards Ecstasy during the spring semester of college in 1997. I remember lying on my dorm room bed for h o u r s a n d h o u r s, headphones tilted back on my pre-bleached blonde hair, resting on my forest green pillow case. I would lie there and stare at the speckled ceiling, being so vastly transported by her melted chocolate, velvety voice, and studying her ability to marry lyrics with melody, like no other. Everything changed for me then.
Thing is, every single woman singer IN this playlist change my life. But not like, “Ohhhh you changed my life blah BLAH.” Like, CHANGED MY LIFE DIRECTION.
But I’m not overly exaggeratory about it or anything.
Some of these women directly influenced the way I wrote songs on my guitar and sang, waaaay back in the day. Some of these women as individuals directly influenced the way I saw the world, style and even relationships. But every single one of these women are strong, talented, amazing BOSSES that completely changed my world and make my heart melt into a pile of warm, fuzzy goo. (<–gross)
I give you, the “Powder Room and Power Chord” mix.
Yes it opens with the Indigo Girls – wanna make something of it?
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