Growing Old Gracefully Can Suck It

Also known as, I turned 40 and had a Herculean panic attack.

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

It’s one of those things we’re not really supposed to talk about. We might even be trained to feel guilty about it. Or heaven forbid, vain. Because you know, we have to keep our kids happy! Our homes clean! Our marriages solid! Our cars maintained!


What about my face? What about the first thing people see when they look at me? Or more importantly, the first thing *I* see when I look at myself? Why do we fear judgement for not wanting to be asked, “Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?”

For the last six months I’ve been on a “skin journey” with the Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa. Aka: my favorite place on earth. I’m so excited to finally be able to walk you through what I went through, answer any questions you may have, and heeeeeey-oh! – there might even be a discount involved for my local pigeons.

Excited? Duh.

Let’s look at some grody, extremely vulnerable photos, why don’t we?

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

This is me last September, before it ALL BEGAN. I have a few sun spots on my left cheek and forehead, a bit of light, spotty rosacea in my t-zone, some wrinkling in my forehead, and overall blah-ville dullness in my skin tone and texture. In other words, I’z gittin’ old.

But guess what! You can totally do something about it. You are allowed to be good to your face, and even *gasp* – talk about it! Let’s think of it as an OIL CHANGE FOR YOUR FACE. We take care of every single other dang thing. Time to rotate your face tires. (<–I don’t know.)


My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

We focused on two services (plus a skin care line!) during my partnership with the KC Wellness Center.

  1. a few rounds of Forever Young BBL
  2. and Botox. (<—a freaking life miracle)

I’d always been told, “Botox will paralyze your face!” And I’m like, “SO DOES HAVING YOUR WISDOM TEETH CUT OUT WHEN THEY HIT A NERVE.” True story. It’s why I have a lazy jowl on one side.

Let’s start with the life-changing Forever Young BBL. Or, BroadBand Light. Or – LASER. You guys, this simple and nearly painless procedure is magic. Its overall mission is to improve the appearance of your skin. Specifically, it will decrease rosacea, lessen sun damage and aging spots, and give you smoother, more elastic-looking skin. You in?

Like, read this: “A groundbreaking study on BroadBand Light (BBL™)  published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology performed at Stanford University supports the hypothesis that genes in aging skin can be altered using Forever Young BBL technology to provide a functional change, rather than just a temporary change of youthful appearance. In other words, youthful genes are activated and aging genes are deactivated.” HI, YES.

She’ll slather this cool gel stuff on your face, place the little metal eye goggles over your eyes for protection, and start ZAPPIN’. It can be a little startling, yes, but I wouldn’t call it painful. Just  . . . zappy. But you’ll start to really get into it. I kept saying, “Zap that one again!” Kate would sigh, “Bev, calm down. I’m getting it.” “Me, “ZAP IT. ZAP IIIIIIT.”

There’s a reason Cher wrote “If I Could Turn Back Time”. It’s about BBLs. I’m sure of it.

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

I also experimented with the ZO skin care line. That ish is intense! In true transparency, I had to back off on some of the steps, and concentrate on just the cleanser and moisturizer, because it basically gave me a chemical peel. Super cute. I love love love the cleanser, though. See, everything is anti-aging, (like, gets doooown to the dermis) so you must follow a strict regimen so you don’t end up looking you just poured a vat of Elmer’s glue on your face. (I got a little, um, overzealous.)

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

This (^^) is right after a BBL. The targeted spots get super dark, then gradually fade and flake off over the following weeks. Yes it looks insane immediately after, but I still went to the grocery because I’m a troll.

Depending on your skin, they’ll decide how many procedures you might need, and closely watch the results to see what’s fading nicely and what’s being a little stubborn. (I had this one a-hole of a freckle that was in a raging protest, but we eventually broke him down.)

Also, that above photo on the right is before Botox. Ha-yikes.

I cannot recommend Botox enough! It doesn’t really hurt (I went through IVF, nothing hurts me), and it’s a fascinating sensation over the next few days, as you feel the gradual tightening in your forehead, and you watch those lines seriously VANISH. I think it’s just wonderful. It lasts about 4 months, and the results are fantastic! And you can totally still move your face and make your insano expressions and everything. Botox paired with a few rounds of BBL, ohhhhh sister friend. Yas.

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

Let’s talk about my specific results:


In long, I’m glow-y-er! My rosacea is much, much less than it was six months ago. My sun spots and cheek dots are much lighter. Not gone, but very faded.

But the main thing I notice is the lack of fine lines and the improved TONE of my skin. Even the texture. It feels different. More supple. Smoother. It has this evenness to it, that it didn’t had before. And I’m not just blowing smoke here, I can honestly say I look better in this 40-year old skin than I did a year ago. Would you mind if I squealed right now?


My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

First of all, it must be said that the staff at the KC Wellness Center and Medical Spa is FANTASTIC. Kate, Dr. Carter, and everyone else there is so knowledgeable and friendly and eager to make you feel good about your body. Like, I even showed them my c-section belly aftermath and no one barfed. That’s saying something.

Local gals! If you’re curious about any of their services, or just want to go in for a consultation, mention my name (Bev Weidner, Bev Cooks – whatevs) and you’ll get 10% off your first procedure! (the consultation is free, obvs.) (oh, get a Dermaplane! gaaaaah.)

I want to go back and have them replace my whole neck.


I’m serious.

My Skin Journey with Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa / Bev Cooks

Aging happens. I’m never going to look 25. I don’t NEED to look 25. Or 26. 27. Or 28. Maybe. Okay, I’d like to look 28. FINE, I CAN EMBRACE LOOKING 28.

But if my 40 makes me feel less “good witch/bad witch,” I’m all in.


(This post is in partnership with the Kansas City Wellness Center and Medical Spa. All ramblings are totally my own. Coo?)

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34 Responses to Growing Old Gracefully Can Suck It

  1. Bryn Broussard February 28, 2017 at 8:41 am #
    I needed this post so badly. I turn 40 this year and knew that in order to feel better about myself I was going to have to do something or stop looking in mirrors. I never considered myself vain...and I rarely spend money on myself so the thought of Botox seemed to go against the person I thought I was. Plus...the chemicals?!?! So scared. But! You burn soy candles, make homemade creams and potions and buy wooden vintage toys for your kids. I mean, if you can trust it surely I can! Thank you for being so honest and raw.
  2. Alex February 28, 2017 at 10:32 am #
    Tell us more about the fab linen top you have on in your stunning 'after' photos!
    • Tiffany February 28, 2017 at 10:57 am #
      Agreed! I wanna know! Since I don't live in Kansas, I can't get your face but I can get that top! Right? Please tell me I can!
      • Bev Weidner February 28, 2017 at 4:02 pm #
        The top is Elizabeth Suzann! (in Flax!)
    • Bev Weidner February 28, 2017 at 4:03 pm #
      Well thanks! It's Elizabeth Suzann. In Flax!
  3. elizabeth February 28, 2017 at 11:19 am #
    I don't live in KC but could I possibly get your eye shadow? It always looks so beautiful!
    • Bev Weidner February 28, 2017 at 4:01 pm #
      Well thanks! The eyeshadow is a very old Bobbi Brown shade, but they don't make it anymore. Boo! I CAN tell you it's in the charcoal family. But the eyeliner is Elf! Hope that helps. :)
  4. Kristen (kb) February 28, 2017 at 11:57 am #
    I love you ... that is all. Wait, no it's not .... Your face looks FLAWLESS. I'm jealous, and turning 40 in November. I have some research to do. Thank you!!
  5. Kathi @ LaughingSpatula February 28, 2017 at 12:14 pm #
    Oh I remember 40...that was fun! :). 57 and getting better everyday! I have my first derma planing and botox scheduled for tomorrow and I wish I would have started earlier. Earlier yields better results later so don't wait too long guys! Having a blast at this age...more golf, more girlfriends, 35 year marriage to a guy I like more and more everyday. Aches and pains? Yup gott'em but I now have the time for massages and travels to spas...yay! Oh! And your kids grow up and love you and you realize you did everything almost right :).
  6. Melissa February 28, 2017 at 2:00 pm #
    I am getting my second dermaplane facial and my first botox this week! I am so so excited. After just one facial, I totally saw a difference, and I can't wait for the cumulative effect + BOTOX! I know botox won't let me down.I have been using just the ZO skin health vitamin C serum, and it's magical. You look amazing and younger than me and I just turned 37, so I am going to tell my esthetician that your face is my goal! I mean, not YOUR face your face, but MY face your face. Totally.
  7. Kelly February 28, 2017 at 6:56 pm #
    Was just wondering how the gold bond cream on your neck worked. Any good?
  8. The Sunny Side February 28, 2017 at 7:36 pm #
    I have exactly 18 days until I'm 40! Eek! ack! You are adorable...I think this is the 3rd time today that I've professed my adoration! Thank you for sharing! I have certainly wondered how your skin was so so very--wonderful. Cheers! Elease
  9. Susan February 28, 2017 at 9:12 pm #
    I'm turning 40 this summer and I'm TRYING to stay positive about it. I too have been looking in the mirror lately and think I might need a tune up. I have never really fussed with my skin. Im a soap and water kind of gal. So all this info was really helpful. Thank you.
  10. heidi @foodiecrush February 28, 2017 at 11:10 pm #
    Botox is my favorite pickling agent and at this point, I'll skip a free trip to Paris if it means I miss my dermo appt for Botoxing :) #almosttruestory
  11. Nicole March 1, 2017 at 9:53 am #
    What is the lipgloss you use? The tangerine color you have on when you post videos on Instagram?
  12. Alexandra Konarski March 1, 2017 at 5:51 pm #
    This isn't meant to be critical, I would just be really curious to see some more true after shots - they're with makeup on, in very different lighting, etc. Would just be curious to see more of the actual results up close - I think it's amazing you feel great! Just would be helpful :)
    • Bev Weidner March 3, 2017 at 7:51 am #
      Totally! I'll try to post some make-up less photos soon. The crazy thing is, I took the before and after shots (the indoor ones) by the same window. But it was overcast on the before day, so a little darker. But I know what you mean! Thanks for the suggestion. :)
  13. Joy March 2, 2017 at 3:37 pm #
    Just had my second touch up to the 11's. And I could go on a Saturday which is awesome! Dr. Carter really does make you feel good and she doesn't try to push services. Although it really doesn't hurt, I did almost pass out after my first round of botox (I have been tattooed 6 times - this was nothing!) something about the face I guess...
  14. Elizabeth March 3, 2017 at 7:07 am #
    I started both Botox and fillers about a year ago (I'm 52) and I wish I'd started earlier as more of a preventative measure. After some hesitation (and trying a few other things first), I just had my tear troughs filled and couldn't be happier with the results. No more under eye bags! I'm considering the BBL next. How many treatments did you end up needing?
    • Bev Weidner March 3, 2017 at 7:50 am #
      Awesome! I ended up with five BBls. We thought three would do the trick, but I had a few freckles that were stubborn. So, five was better for me!
  15. june g. March 3, 2017 at 10:02 am #
    my aesthetician performed Dermaplane on me, I loved it! my skin is so smooth! I'll have to look into BBL.... this is my double nickels year.....haha!
  16. Carol Borchardt March 7, 2017 at 9:30 pm #
    Turning 55 this year and don't plan on messing with my face anytime soon! I am who I am!
  17. Lisa Hill January 10, 2019 at 12:45 am #
    Nice article! Your article would be really helpful for every woman to change their lifestyle. I like this article so much. Thanks for sharing.
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  20. Anna October 27, 2020 at 7:42 am #
    Hello! I hope it is in fact that for you no doubt will undoubtedly help make your life successful enough. I just had my tear troughs filled and couldn't be happier with the results. I have never really fussed with my skin. I'm a soap and water kind of gal.
  21. Alice April 16, 2021 at 12:26 pm #
    Come on, you look amazing! Aging will not cause any discomfort if you start skin care in a timely manner. There's a great article about it here In any case, this tool will be useful for any skin type
  22. peppermint cbd oil June 8, 2021 at 3:00 pm #
    Hello! Thank you for sharing this with us. As a female, I found the older I got the happier I got. The more flirty, the more fun-filled, the more sensual and happy. I would hate to chase after so-called eternal youth. I find that sad. I hate all that is anti-aging and embrace all that is pro-aging. Women should take a stand against ageism. Then and only then, they will be free to have fun! And I hope more and more people will understand that ageing is a normal process and there is no shame
  23. Antonio December 13, 2024 at 9:10 am #
    Bev’s journey beautifully showcases how modern skincare treatments, like Botox and Forever Young BBL, can enhance confidence and help achieve radiant, youthful skin. Her story highlights the importance of trusting experienced professionals and investing in high-quality products. For those considering similar treatments, complement your routine with trusted dermal fillers like Restylane to boost skin elasticity and reduce fine lines. You can explore options conveniently on , a reliable platform offering a range of premium skincare products. With the right combination of procedures and quality products, you can enjoy smoother, more rejuvenated skin just like Bev!


  1. Friday Flotsam | Bev Cooks - July 14, 2017 […] her 41st, and our dearest dude pal is celebrating his 40th tomorrow. And I got a Dermaplane and Botox yesterday, so we’re ALL CELEBRATING […]
  2. Friday Flotsam | Bev Cooks - January 12, 2018 […] Aaaand if you’re curious about more advanced skincare, I get Botox, guys. And I ain’t ashamed of it. I’ve got a more in-depth post about that! […]
  3. Friday Flotsam - Bev Cooks - December 9, 2022 […] a total believer in skin care. From minimal water splashing and moisturizing to lying on a bed with goggles and laser zapping, I’m in. But this just seems too good to be true. And I’m seeing ads for it e v e r y w […]
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