Archive | September, 2013

Salsa Verde Chicken Soup


I know it’s hip to talk about the temperatures right now, but I just can’t do it. I just can’t. Especially because it’s going to be 96 freaking degrees this weekend and I want to punch it in the groin. But I’m not going to talk about it. I’m also not going to mention that […]

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Thoughts on This Whole Being Knocked Up Business: Edition 2


Well, hi. Would you believe another four weeks have passed in this pilgrimage de preggoville? I’m right at the halfway mark, and I can proudly say with complete poise and confidence, “waaaaaaaaaaaaah.” It’s actually been a fantastic four weeks! I’ve never felt more incredible. I’ve got energy. I’ve got sass. I’ve got rhythm. I’ve got […]

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Greek Turkey Burgers {Tablespoon Tuesdays}


It’s okay to wear burger after Labor Day, right? How was your long weekend? Did you do anything laborious? Or was it more like Non-Labor Day weekend? I’m hoping my true labor day comes in mid-January. I don’t think I ever told you my due date, have I? Technically, it’s January 26th, but with twins, […]

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