Garden Pasta with Seared Shrimp

After a rental car trip from St. Augustine to Jacksonville, 2 flights with a stop in Dallas, a shuttle bus to our car in the economy parking lot, and the half hour treck to our house, we made it home. Tired, sunburned and one of us with a broken toe due to surfing (not me) we gave our wallet a break and ate from the yard. Thank goodness the heat and our timed watering produced just enough for us to enjoy a simple but vibrant dinner from the garden.

We harvested a good handful of green beans and peas, and noticing that our cilantro was about to bolt, I tore off all the baby leaves in an effort to save the plant, while offering the dish a tender zing for garnish.

We had an incredible vacation! Of course I’ll be posting 4 billion pictures later today or tomorrow to share our experience. But for now, dinner.

Super simple – sear some shrimp (seasoned with fresh oregano, salt and pepper) for 2 minutes. Toss in the green beans and peas and saute 30 more seconds. Toss cooked fettucini with shrimp and greens, add a dollop or two of butter, toss in fresh cilantro, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle with a smidge of oil and thin with a little pasta water. Top with fresh parmesan. Doesn’t get much better I tell ya.

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