Archive | Monthly Mixtape

Monthly Mixtape: Repeat time!

Processed with VSCO with a4 preset

Septembah! Iloveitiloveitiloveit. But listen, we’ve been out of town and I’m staring at two overgrown yards and gnarly weeds and wimpy plants and I gotta get out there. Time to manicure! So we’re listening to last September’s mixtape, which you loved. So I feel like we’re still in that jazzy mood (when are we not, […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Zoned out Droned Out

Monthly Mixtape: Zoned out Droned out / bev cooks

You’re about to get soooooo vibed out. First of all, happy March! Our trees are already budding. Daffodils are in full force and I’ve heard an achoo or two in the distance. Spring is here. And this mixtape is exactly what you’ll need for this seasonal transition. It’s all instrumental tripped out lo-fi jazz experimental […]

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