Well heeeeey, and Happy New Year! Let’s ease in, okay?

We’ll start with music today. I have a mixtape for you and it’s probably and most definitely 100% what you need. It’s a lot of ’70s vintage with a splash of ’90s goodness with a hair of current. And by current I mean a Taylor vault track that lives in my veins. Can’t be mad about it.
These mixtape posts never get much comment traction (which is okay! I get it!), but if you have twenty seconds on you, tell me how your holiday was. Are you back at work? Are your kids back in school? Are you losing your mind or holding on by a thread?
Let’s start here today. Tomorrow we’ll talk books. Sound good?
Let’s get in this. Without another word, I give you, the “Bone-Chilling Days and Firewood Haze” mix.
Okay, tell me the goods!
11 Responses to Monthly Mixtape: Bone-Chilling Days and Firewood Haze