Tag Archives | twins

Friday Flotsam

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Oh oops a Fridian slip. It’s the WEEKEND. Got mah teeth cleaned this week. I go every six months. I’m sort of on top of my dentist game, I have to say. And you might find it surprising based on what happened to me and my designer denim about ten years ago. But that was […]

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Because I Can’t Instagram Everything

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I’m kind of behind on cooking, so we’re looking at babies today. Zat kewel weeyeth yew? Don’t tell anyone I just said “behind on cooking.” 1) So this is their new real estate business card photo. What do you think? She was all, “Ya know, I really like my elbow on his shoulder. It says […]

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The Babies Took Us On a Roadtrip

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So, after three and a half months of being locked up and tied to rusty metal hooks in the walls of a cold, dingy basement in the bottom of an old dragony dungeon castle (or, winter at my house), the babies finally talked us into dragging them down to Arkansas to show ’em off a […]

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