Tag Archives | stocking stuffers

Friday Flotsam

bedroom / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeederrerereree! If you were a mall, what stores would you have? That’s an odd question, let me revamp that. Let’s say you were the PLAZA. The KC Plaza. And you were getting bought by new owners, and they needed a list of stores to bring to the Plaza, what would those stores be besides Aesop, […]

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Friday Flotsam

christmas gifts / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRalalalalaaaa la la la! I’m diving face first into an impending tinned fish obsession. You’re like, “I do not understand that sentence, nor do I want to.” Tinned fish. I’m getting into it. First of all, why wouldn’t I? Second of all, you do know what I’m talking around, right? There will be a small […]

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