Tag Archives | reels

Friday Flotsam

roses / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRRRRRlotdaysomefri! Or something like that. I finally made a reel! (I felt your collective groan.) Technically, I made two reels. One that is just horrible, and one slightly more tolerable. But they’re fun! You guys I have resisted for SO LONG. This grumpy grandma did not want to get with the times. Well, in a […]

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Friday Flotsam

elf on lamp / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRibby jibby! This is weird. On my ED CAL (I hate that word and I feel like you might need to with me), I write out little topics I’d like to discuss with you on Fridays. Right? Right. Well this morning I took a look at it, and it just says Nancy. Nancy. WHO IS […]

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