Tag Archives | peanut butter

Chocolate Oats Pudding with Peanut Butter

Chocolate Oats Pudding with Peanut Butter / Bev Cooks

Dessert alert! Dessert alert! This is your official warning! I can chill. Okay, you guys. It’s like, a pudding thing. A granola, chocolate-y, peanut butter pudding thing. I have no idea. It was one night earlier this summer when I was craving something sweet but not obnoxious. Something with texture but not stupid. Something that […]

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Thai Coconut Noodles

Thai Coconut Noodles / Bev Cooks

EVERYBODY’S GONE SLURPIIIIIN’, SLURPIN’ USA. Ummm, this is your new life. Your new got-nothing-to-make-for-dinner-so-noodles-it-is life. But Thai! Thai COCONUT AND PEANUT BUTTER. (no it’s not frozen peanut butter, I’ll save you the time and make the joke myself.) These are sloppy, soaked, silky, slurpalicious and seriously seductive. Let’s take a squint. Okay, it seems like […]

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I Will Be Signing Autographs


Well, it happened. The break I’ve been waiting for. This might be my last post because I’m headed out on the road y’all. Turns out the karaoke leader at the birthday party last night works for Universal Records and he was so enamored with my version of “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!” that he […]

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