Tag Archives | pancakes

Banana Pumpkin Pancakes

Banana Pumpkin Pancakes / Bev Cooks

This is about as sorority girl as I get, you guys. We’re not pairing it with a pumpkin spice latte DO NOT DELETE ME FROM YOUR LIFE. But in pancakes it’s fine, right? Also it’s mainly bananas. Banana pancakes with a barely-there kiss of the tiniest hint of a minuscule threat of pumpkin. But it’s […]

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Simple Banana Ricotta Pancakes

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Breakfast! And also, I lost my camera cord. You know the cord that attaches the camera to the computer so you can dump photos? Lost it. And it’s MAKING ME CRAZY. I use it almost every single day. It’s always in one spot! And now it’s completely gone. Vanished. Disappeared. This has twins written all […]

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Roasted Acorn Squash Pancakes

acornsquash pancakes

Mooooore pancakes! (but you have to say it like, “Heeeeeeere’s Johnny!”) Not the Shining one. The Johnny Carson one. OMG, speaking OF: now that it’s October, Aaron and I are starting to put together a scary movie list to go through this month leading up to Halloween. It’s our annual Weidner tradition. No one can […]

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Toasted Coconut Chocolate Pancakes


It’s basically still the weekend if I post pancakes, right? What iiiiif the pancakes were stuffed to the gills with toasted coconut and chocolate cocoa? Eh? Now we’re talking? Yes. As Instagram as my witness, these babies have opened my eyes (and mouth) to the wonderment of PANCAKES. I can’t stop eating/craving/making/eating/eating them. It’s so […]

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Holiday Hot Cakes and Waffles: 2.0


HO HO HO!!! Yeah, I can’t really get away with that, can I? Look, I know you’re about to pour a drink, round up the kids and set the table, but I just gotta show ya something totes quick. Now grab your nearest child and show them. Did they freak out? PERFECT. And I’m sorry. […]

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