Tag Archives | oregon

Our New Life on the Oregon Coast Forever: Part 2

Oregon Coast Forever / Bev Cooks

This is just week two, you guys. Week two! And it’s massive. And I’m starting the post with a skinny bearded man in plaid because Oregon. Let’s seeeeee…..when I left you last, we were headed to the Farmer’s Market. (two weeks ago today. my bad.) So let’s start there. Kansas City has some incredible (huge!) […]

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Spaghetti with Razor Clams

Spaghetti with Razor Clams / Bev Cooks

OKAY listen. I had no idea that pacific razor clams are the size of baby elephants. They are like, super mammothy. WAY DIFFERENT than the long, thin ones you’re most likely imagining right now. Guys, I’m about to take you on a journey. A razor clam awakening of sorts. And before you get those fingers […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall leaves

FFFFFFFFFFalkdsfjlkfdsjlkfdsjlksdflkjdsfjklIDAY. HAUNTINGS OF THAT BIG HILL HOUSE CRIB. Let’s discuss. Also, tons of spoilers in this, so skip to the next part if you have yet to watch it. Or hate ghosts. Or are a scaredy cat. We almost finished the sixth episode last night. And only because we kept falling asleep! I KNOW, I […]

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