Alright, so it’s been decided! From April 17th through the 23rd I’m going straight-up-now-tell-me vegetarian. This Saturday I’ll post the planned menu and if you would like to, please join me! To get us in the mindset, here’s a lovely vegetarian spring risotto I made Thursday night. Morel mushrooms weren’t available just yet at Whole […]
Tag Archives | mushrooms
Chicken Sausages with Mushrooms and Ed. and His Mama.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I took a shower earlier in some green food coloring and you guys, it’s not coming out. Is this some joke? Where’s the camera? Are you Curtis Stone? Wait, wrong show. (Bonus points to anyone who knows who Curtis Stone is. Jenny, shut your mouth.) (I never have bonus points on […]
Asparagus Salad. I Promise This Is Good.
So you know how in the world of professional makeup sometimes artists use an anti-redness primer under the makeup? It’s supposed to alleviate red splotches on the skin and even out tone? Well guess what. I bought some, and I LOOK INSANE. Put a couple of bolts in my neck and call me Frankie. After […]
Pizza Helps Snow Melt, Right?
Isn’t the old saying, “Every time a pizza is eaten, a snowman takes a beatin’?” Oh Wow, that’s pretty dark. As in Guy Noir dark. As in Kill Bill dark. As in cover your kids’ ears and hide them from me forever dark. …Who am I? I’ll tell you what I am – I am […]
So Spelt Isn’t Code For Beta Blocker?
Night 2 of practicing “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” for Ashlee’s karaoke birthday party Friday night. This is either going to be really awesome for me and extremely painful for the audience, or really awesome for the audience and extremely painful for me. My version is going to end up being, “Man! I Feel […]
Wax On, Wax Off
Have you ever wondered why parsnips are sold with a wax coating? Well let me tell you why. It’s to seal in moisture and increase the shelf life. Who knew!? Oh, you did? Oh. Well good thing I learned this so I didn’t end up serving chicken and parsnip wax soup to my husband and […]
It’s What’s For Dinner.
As each Sunday night rolls around and the daunting thoughts of Monday start to creep in, I like to lighten my mood with an evening of pampering. And by that I mean, after a good dinner I shower, (I promise I do this more than once a week) wash my hair, (this may or may […]