Tag Archives | mixtape

Monthly Mixtape: Zoned out Droned Out

Monthly Mixtape: Zoned out Droned out / bev cooks

You’re about to get soooooo vibed out. First of all, happy March! Our trees are already budding. Daffodils are in full force and I’ve heard an achoo or two in the distance. Spring is here. And this mixtape is exactly what you’ll need for this seasonal transition. It’s all instrumental tripped out lo-fi jazz experimental […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Sweep It Off and Get It Planted

Monthly Mixtape: Sweep it Off and Get it Planted

April! Time to open windows! Time to garden! Time for picnics! I can chill. Things are starting to blossom. The temperatures are spectacular. Patches of lime green are spreading through the yards. Daffodils are the boss right now, and tulips aren’t too far behind. It’s a magical transition. So let’s have a slight get-ya-going mixtape, […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Mood River and Moon Sliver

Monthly Mixtape: Mood River and Moon Sliver / Bev Cooks

June! And it’s like, chilly. I know it’s all about to dramatically change, but it’s the coldest start to summer! Ever! You, too? So weird, right? Right. I know. So weird. This mixtape! Look, it’s not exactly “summery.” I have summery mixtapes on my site, for sure. Like this one. Or this one. Ooooo this […]

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