Tag Archives | banana

Banana Cream Cheese Skillet Cake

Banana Cream Cheese Skillet Cake / Bev Cooks

Is it breakfast? Is it dessert? Is it in your mouth in less than what’s appropriate? All correct answers. So listen to this, the first time I made this recipe, the vision was . . . well, I’m not sure what it was. You know I tend to *experiment* with baking, which drives Aaron bananas […]

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Banana Pumpkin Pancakes

Banana Pumpkin Pancakes / Bev Cooks

This is about as sorority girl as I get, you guys. We’re not pairing it with a pumpkin spice latte DO NOT DELETE ME FROM YOUR LIFE. But in pancakes it’s fine, right? Also it’s mainly bananas. Banana pancakes with a barely-there kiss of the tiniest hint of a minuscule threat of pumpkin. But it’s […]

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Simple Banana Ricotta Pancakes

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Breakfast! And also, I lost my camera cord. You know the cord that attaches the camera to the computer so you can dump photos? Lost it. And it’s MAKING ME CRAZY. I use it almost every single day. It’s always in one spot! And now it’s completely gone. Vanished. Disappeared. This has twins written all […]

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Homemade Baby Food. Four Recipes, Yo.


Okay, you guys, baby food is ugly. This has been your warning. But it’s soooo easy to make and I just couldn’t get through this phase without sharing a few of my go-to purees for the gremlins. And no, they’re not going to be gremlins for Halloween. Which actually breaks my heart because I seriously […]

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