Sesame Noodles


Two snow days in a row have taught me something vitally important. The Cosby show is still genius. Sesame Noodles: What it took for 2: * 1/2 pound whole wheat spaghetti * 3 Tbs. all natural peanut butter * 3 Tbs. soy sauce * 2 Tbs. brown sugar * 1 tsp sambal oelek * 6 […]

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Mahi Mahi – Easy Peasy


Aaaah, tonight’s dinner takes me back. It reminds me of my mid-twenties when I spent some time in Greece. (I’ve never been to Greece.) Back when I was eagerly studying multiple foreign languages abroad. (Yeah, that never happened either.) Back when I spent all of my free time with Jamie Oliver galavanting along the pebbly […]

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Pub Chips


If it’s too snowy to make it to the pub, then bring the pub to your kitchen! Pub Chips: * 5 small yukon gold potatoes, sliced thinly with a mandolin * 1 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil * coarse sea salt Preheat oven to 450. On an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet, lay the sliced potatoes […]

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Chicken Ceasar Salad


Words like “epic” and “colossal” are being thrown around by the weathermen as the snowstorm approaches us. Words like “hysteria” and “panic” are being thrown around in my head as the snowstorm approaches us. Words like “sissy” and “wimp-o” are being thrown around by my husband’s mouth as the snowstorm approaches us. Words like, “you’re […]

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Beef and Beer Stew – For Yew.


I love day cooking. When you have all afternoon to attempt a project recipe (like yesterday) or to just simmer a pot of soup for hours, there’s something absolutely restorative about it. And get this: I’m fine-tuning my attitude towards Winter, and the frequent snow storms that blow through, (Why did I move away from […]

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Making Fresh Pasta. Oh Yes You Can.


As I sit here Sunday afternoon, still sipping my reheated morning coffee and keeping an eye on yet another Winter blast on the way, I have four thoughts: 1) Our local weatherman lied. 2) I really need a manicure. 3) Why is it not April? 3) Make fresh pasta in small batches. It’s a lot […]

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