Smokey Shredded Chicken Tostadas


A few things about today: 1) My sunhat that blew onto my neighbor’s roof was stuck in his gutter overnight, and has since disappeared. Oops. 2) I’m this close to murdering my dog every time the mail man arrives. 3) I non-embarrassingly purchased Haley Reinhart’s (from American Idol) single “Benny and the Jets” from itunes […]

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DIY Almond Butter


When was the last time you bought a nice jar of organic nut butter? Oh wait, never because it costs A MILLION DOLLARS. Seriously, why are nut butters so expensive? (I’m looking at you too, tahini.) Well today, I decided to change that. I decided to make a difference in this world. To take my […]

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To Paella, or Not To Paella


While on a walk this afternoon with my pooch, I was mentally bouncing around the walls of my fridge and pantry, trying to brainstorm on a simple but flavorful dinner for tonight. My mission was only use what I have, but to make it spectacular. (darn cooking shows.) Freezer: shrimp, chicken sausage, corn (yeah, okay, […]

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Cod Picatta Over Wilted Spring Greens


So I’m approximately 32 episodes into “Take Home Chef” with Curtis Stone and I have one thing to say. YOWZA. I’d SO be okay with taking him home for an afternoon. I mean have you seen his hair? Heard that nervous Aussie giggle? Experienced that smile? Those arms? I MEAN UHHHHHH, I’d LOVE to just […]

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