Pork Chooops and Cherry Sauuuuuce


Okay, I know that’s not the way it goes, but doesn’t it just bring you back? Back to a simpler time? Back when a delicate sneeze would keep you home from school? Back when we were told a thousand times not to play ball in the house. Back when we learned valuable lessons about what […]

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Chicken Sausages with a Spicy Corn Saute


I don’t know about you, but I might have a little crush on chicken sausages. Especially the sun-dried tomato ones. Actually, any flavor works for my fragile heart. I’m prepared to make friendship bracelets for the chicken sausages. I’m prepared to make a mix tape for the chicken sausages. I’m prepared to take a picture […]

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I Got a Birthday!


You know the scene in When Harry Met Sally, when Sally is sitting on her bed, crying her eyes out because of a relationship gone wrong, and then she remembers this: Sally, “And I’m gonna be FORTY!” Harry, “When?” Sally, “Someday!” Harry, “In eight years.” Sally, “But it’s THERE. It’s just sitting there, like this […]

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Chicken Spaghetti


Remember last weekend when my high school BFF came through town? Well, on their way home from vacation they dropped in one more night, for good measure. With 2 kiddos in tow, I decided to make an old childhood favorite of mine, the chicken spaghetti. C.H.I.C.K.E.N. S.P.A.G.H.E.T.T.I.  Shredded chicken, gooey Velveeta cheese, copious amounts of […]

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Seared Chicken with a Cauliflower Gratin


So, yesterday I had round 3 with the oh-so-hip Matthew Collins! He’s an amazing local photographer who comes over once in a while to shoot me cooking, and blog about it. And eat my food. HEY WAIT A MINUTE. Just kidding, Matthew! Maybe. It was an interesting session to say in the least, as a […]

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Roasted Eggplant Bruschetta


We had a big storm last night. We had sheets and sheets of insane rain, monstrous claps of thunder and everything. We had lightning, too. Oh guess what! One of the lightning bolts struck my neighbor’s tree, splitting it right down the center. It totally looks like something you’d see in a National Geographic magazine […]

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Pasta with Stewed Golden Tomatoes


Gosh, I really need to shave my legs. Oh, Hi! I didn’t see you there! Wow. Well, while I have you, I have some awesomely incredible greatness to share with you. And you might be all, “Yawn, Bev. Pasta, really?” And to that I say, RA-EALLY. This pasta has spice. This pasta has sweetness. This […]

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French Lentils with Kale and Shrimp


Do you ever find yourself zombieously wandering around your kitchen, scanning the pantry inventory for dinner: wild rice, lentils, oats, cob webs. WAIT, oh ew. And then you drag yourself out to the garden, squinting into the blinding sun to check out what’s left of the season: kale, some herbs, a few tomatoes, weeds. WAIT, […]

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