Archive | Vegetarian

Wild Rice With Tofu and Spinach


It was 72 degrees today. The windows are open. The sicky linens are in the wash. The sofa is febrezed. “I think I’m gonna like it here.” Name that movie. (Singing will help.) (Oh gosh, I meant in your head.) Wild Rice with Tofu and Spinach: What it took for 2: * 2 cups cooked […]

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Healing Soba Noodle Soup


We’ve suffered through day two of the raging flu at my house. While subtle moans of what sound to be human agony resonate from the sofa, I’m constantly trying to keep the house decontaminated by hosing down the walls with sanitizer and attaching a tube from my husband’s mouth that leads out the back door. […]

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Smoked Chickpeas. No, Not That Kind.


So I’ve been mentally packing for my trip this week. One of the items I was giddily going to include was my new pair of cream Sperry Topsiders. Then the darkness set in: a cruel trick from Mother Nature, a plot against me in my desire to wear warm weather footwear. I tell you what, […]

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Sesame Noodles


Two snow days in a row have taught me something vitally important. The Cosby show is still genius. Sesame Noodles: What it took for 2: * 1/2 pound whole wheat spaghetti * 3 Tbs. all natural peanut butter * 3 Tbs. soy sauce * 2 Tbs. brown sugar * 1 tsp sambal oelek * 6 […]

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Making Fresh Pasta. Oh Yes You Can.


As I sit here Sunday afternoon, still sipping my reheated morning coffee and keeping an eye on yet another Winter blast on the way, I have four thoughts: 1) Our local weatherman lied. 2) I really need a manicure. 3) Why is it not April? 3) Make fresh pasta in small batches. It’s a lot […]

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Asparagus Salad. I Promise This Is Good.


So you know how in the world of professional makeup sometimes artists use an anti-redness primer under the makeup? It’s supposed to alleviate red splotches on the skin and even out tone? Well guess what. I bought some, and I LOOK INSANE. Put a couple of bolts in my neck and call me Frankie. After […]

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A New Kind of Sauce


Can I see a show of hands of you who love eating pasta? Good, good. Now, can I see a show of hands of those watching their waistline? Yep, new year, makes sense. Lastly, can I see a show of hands of you who would like a healthier take on pasta with a rich sauce […]

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Almost Weekend Soup


I keep thinking it’s Friday. What a cruel trick my mind is playing on me. The good news is, I have 3 more power foods to share with you tonight! This should help us coast into the weekend safely. Oh who am I kidding, WHY IS IT NOT FRIDAY? …that felt good. Tonight’s suppa features: […]

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The Root of Happiness


I always forget how much I appreciate a big salad for dinner. They tend to be a lunchtime staple for me, and so often the idea of coming home after a long day to a plate of lettuce leafs lacks a bit of satisfaction appeal. Plus, it’s winter. We are supposed to be craving starches […]

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A Christmas Poem. No, I’m Serious.


The sniffles continue, the aches come and go. I looked outside and behold, there’s snow! Our bowls are filled with spicy thai curry. We sit on the couch as the wine makes me slurry. Alright I can sense you shaking your head. Moving on. Karee Curry with Veggies and Tofu: What it takes for maybe […]

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