Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

apples / bev cooks

Foooooorrrrrrrrrdaeeeee. Let’s have a quick chat about something. And this is mildly controversial, given its popularity and current trending existence. I’m going to let you know gently where I stand. Very gently and very lightly, okay? Butter boards. NOOOOOOOOOO EWWWWWWWWW WHYYYYYYY? Can this end? How can we end this? It is disgusting, unsanitary and barfy […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall tree / bev cooks

Fffffffffffffffflertserm. Uhhhhh what do you do with the teeth? You know what, let me back up. What do you do with all the children’s teeth in the night? Yeah, still sounding psycho. AS THE TOOTH FAIRY, what are we supposed to do all these nasty chiclet face bones that we’ve collected through the years? Give […]

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Friday Flotsam

foggy apples / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrffff? WELL, I was going to ask you all about puffer vests. I randomly deci- okay. It wasn’t random. It was sort of random, but let me tell you how I got there. Listen close because this is weird. I was scrolling IG earlier this week and I came across some Emmy winners’ interviews. And […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrriduh! I can’t read my own handwriting. This is awful! I had all these things I planned on talking about today and I can’t read a single note that I wrote for discussion time. There’s one note that says this: “no-Ibaul-fave.” WHAT IS THAT, Bev. I have zero idea. Can anyone tell me what that […]

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Friday Flotsam

blue and white dishes / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR r r r r r rrrr rr rr? Okay. I do this every year. But I mean it every year. September is next week and it’s officially blazer hunting season! Which is entirely differently from blazer season. I’m talking about the hunt. Just the hunt for one. Because I’ll never find one exactly right. […]

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Friday Flotsam

pretty flowers / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRelelelelelele. You guys I really want to be on a hidden camera show. I really really do. But this is the twist, I hate pranks! Rather, I hate being pranked. CERTAIN types of pranks. For instance, don’t startle me. There’s nothing worse in the world than being startled and if you startle me I’ll will […]

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Friday Flotsam

backyard prettiness / bev cooks

FFFFFFrrrrrrrrrrrrar-dar. Everyone LOVES to talk about when their kids go back to school. Or when they don’t. Or when they get out. Or when they don’t. Have you noticed this? And listen, I’m not complaining, judging, or giving anyone a (well, maybe) hard time. It just cracks me up. Because I can guarantee you, without […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrri d a y y y y y yy yy yy yyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaah. Did anyone else here in this crowd realize that Scarlett O’Hara’s name isn’t just Scarlett O’Hara? Oh no. It’s not. No, hold up. Let me tell you guys what her entire name is. You will fall over. Hold on let me get it. […]

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Friday Flotsam

sunrise / bev cooks

FFFFFFFFFFFFF aaaaaaahhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrederleedo. Okay, this is about to get ril gross, or you’re a completely normal person like me. Maybe. And it’s a poll, so saddle up. Do you separate your laundry? As in – do you separate your whites from your colors? OR do you separate your loads by people? (Bridget, I’m looking at you.) […]

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Friday Flotsam

garden / bev cooks

FRRRRrrrrrrrrRRRRRRrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRR ah dah. I’ve decided I’m not into clapping. Clapping my hands. Not into it. Not like, in general, but when a musician puts his/her hands above their hands holding the mic in a dramatic clap, asking the audience to clap along. Oh no. Please don’t. None of this audience can properly clap. Especially not […]

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