Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

gremlins in a teepee

F r i d a F r i d a F r i d a F r i d a F r i d a F r i d a F r i d a                             Y. You know how in every forensic show that you watch (the real ones! not like CSI), it shows a […]

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Friday Flotsam

Gremlins in Eureka Springs

F987654321RIDAY. DOES PAT SAJAK EVER GET SICK? Think about this, does Pat Sajak ever.get.sick? He’s been on the Wheels for 8 hundred million years, every single night, and I’ve NEVER SEEN A STAND IN. NEVER SEEN A SUB. What happens if Pat Sajak gets sick!? What would they do? He must drink bone broth. (I’ve […]

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Friday Flotsam

backyard fence

F          ursday. I mean!… F           onday. I mean!….F      aturday. I mean!…..FRIDAY. You guys I just took a sip of coffee and then right after a sip of beet juice and MY TONGUE IS LIVID WITH ME. Why would I do that? One can have their coffee and have their beet juice, but not side by […]

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Friday Flotsam

coffee in the mountains

FahAAAAAAAAAHreedee. So, Ally. I’m still liking it! But – it’s not SLAYING me like I need it to. Maybe it’s because I’m still early in (like 9 episodes), and character development is still underway. But, I NEED MOREEEEAAAAAAA. First of all, who the hay is this Vonda Shepard lady and why is she all over […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers at the market

FEE FAA FOO f r i d a y. I started Ally McBeal! AND YOU GUYS I DIDN’T USE ALL CAPS ON ANY OF THAT. oh. It’s cute so far! I can’t decide if I love or hate Ally though. I’m only three episodes in, so I know she’ll grow on me. What I DO […]

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Friday Flotsam

sunflowers in the summer

fridayyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyy. WE FINISHED DAWSON’S CREEK LAST NIGHT. (there’s really no other way to begin this post.) We’re done! Finished! FINITO. Okay, I think I liked the ending. I think. (spoiler alert, for those of you also two decades behind in life.) So Jen dies. From some, what – heart thingy? The whole episode felt SO […]

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Friday Flotsam

gremlins running

F                                                    R                                                                             IDAY. Do little kids still get up at the fanny crack of dawn to watch Saturday morning cartoons? THAT WAS SUCH A THING. My little sister and I would wake up at like, 3am, super jazzed about the Smurfs, then realize it was still pitch […]

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Friday Flotsam

brunch at American Slang

YADIRF. FRIDAY. yaDIRF. FRIDay. Yadirf. Friday. Listen to this crazy dream I had! You’re like, “Or not?” Two nights ago I woke up over and over and over having the same dream. Stuck in it. Not able to get out of it. And I would call it a nightmare, but let me tell you about […]

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Friday Flotsam

kids and dirt and feet

FREEEFRAAAFROOOOFRUUUUUfriday. WHEN DID TACO BELL GET SO EXPENSIVE? (Why am I yelling.) No but, when did Taco Bell get on board with normal rip-off prices? I’ve always relied on the TB for the dirtiest, cheapiest tacos, and I mourn that that era is behind us. Get this, we spent nearly FIFTEEN DOLLARS at Taco Bell […]

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Friday Flotsam

park pods and pons

FREEDER. I have a weird question. (you’re like, OH SHOCKER.) You know how in Instagram Stories, a lot of the responses to a thread are hearts? The heart emoji? I have a theory. IT’S AN ACCIDENT. Hear me out! A) The heart is so out of place. It’s not closure to a conversation like, “Dawson […]

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