Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

spring blooms

FLLLLLLLLLLLOTSAM COME ON DOOOOOOOWWWWWWN. Were you a latchkey kid? Do you remember latchkey kids? Do we still call them latchkey kids? As in, you got home after school and your parents weren’t there until hours later? After THEIR work day was over. Was that you? Did you absolutely love it? I never grew up that […]

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Friday Flotsam

tulip trees

FFFFFFFFFFFslkdfjslkfjsldjfiday. I have something to tell you. And I’m not sure how you’ll take it, truthfully. I mean, it’s hefty. Scary. Big. It’s something I’ve kept hidden deep in the chambers of my soul cavity for nearly 20 years. Only a handful of close friends knew of this darkness within me. Them, and the handfuls […]

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Friday Flotsam

purty froth art

FRRRRRRRRUDERDAYDOODAH. I brushed my teeth with sunscreen. NOT ON PURPOSE, ya yahoo! Complete accident. Both are white. Both are also in a white tube. Both also have the exact same labeling. The only difference is the cap. One is flip up, and the other is twist off. But in my late night lethargic manner (and […]

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Friday Flotsam

pretty yarn

FRRRRRRRRthis is the most color you’ll ever see on this siteDAY. I think we need to discuss foundation. Not like, for your house. This is not hard hat material here, folks. FACE. Face foundation. Facial foundation. Oh wait! Do you want to know what’s weird? For a HOUSE, the foundation is under it. And for […]

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Friday Flotsam

massive bouquet

FRRRRRRReak out! FreakY, I meant. Like Freaky Friday. Never mind. 11 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes and 10 seconds (9. . .8. . .7) left UNTIL SPRING. Goodbye. I know it’s hard to believe with the naked eye, but this photo is not staged. What, you mean the yellow figure skating dress on the floor […]

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Friday Flotsam

snow from the sky

FFFFFFreelahlulahlaylahyay. Who do you think the ORIGINAL Team-Off was? That made no sense. Let me start over. You know how we’ve been saying team this or team that for a bazillion eons now? Team Edward or Team Jacob. Team Ben or Team Noel. Team Aniston or Team Pitt. (<–remember?!?!) Team Jess or Team Logan. Team […]

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Friday Flotsam

valentine cards

FRRRRRRRRRRewey dew! I dunno. Do you make the bed? What I mean is, when do you make the bed? What I MEAN is, how do you make the bed? What I MEAN MEAN is, are you into making your bed? This blog post already completely sucks. What I MEAN EEEES, is making the bed something […]

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Friday Flotsam


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF r i d y a. I mean a y. What exactly do you do with witch hazel? Besides get excited about using the words witch and hazel back to back. What does it do? What does it heal? What ancient voodoo of yesterlore do I need to absorb for ultimate life happiness? I just […]

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Friday Flotsam


FrarDEE FRI. (<–do you ever tire of these? didn’t think so.) SO GUESS WHAT! (just jumping right in.) We officially booked our Oregon summer home! Which, when I say “Oregon summer home,” I realize that it sounds like I’m all Midge Maisel with one hand swooping up into the air as I clutch a little […]

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Friday Flotsam

chamomille flowers

FAHRAHDAYAYOLO. Who else here thinks, “La! A note to follow so” is a little bit of a cop out? I mean, come on. Up until that point we have a female deer, a drop of golden sun, a name I call myself, a long long way to run, a needle pulling thread, and then – […]

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