You guys, where have I been? What on earth have I been doing my entire life? How has it taken me nearly 36 years to make fah-rickin’ PARMESAN CRISPS?
Oh right, I’ve been obsessed with trying to find the world’s best deep conditioning hair treatment. Well, and solving crimes. Der.
Parmesan Crisps are my new lover boy. My new Ryan Gosling. Even the burnt one. ESPECIALLY the burnt one. I’m sorry but burned cheese is so good and you know you’re nodding your head right now all, “SHE’S SO RIGHT.”
I’m going to start putting parmesan crisps on e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Like, I’m not even joking right now.
And heart-shaped? On top of a roasted tomato soup? Seriously? YES.
I want to climb on top of that parmesan crisp like a raft and accidentally fall off and drown in the tomato soup. Which would be sad. BUT I COME BACK TO LIFE and climb back on top of the crisp raft and eat it AND the soup. And then I sit in the bottom of the bowl. Happy with what I’ve accomplished.
You need to make crisp rafts and drown in tomato soup. And you can. RIGHT HERE.
p.s. I miss Juliette Lewis.
29 Responses to Roasted Tomato Soup with Parmesan Heart Crisps