Another summer side dish in our Summer Side Dish Series this summer of side dishes! (I can chill.)

Took a brief hiatus last week for a little vacation (isn’t it obnoxious when people remind of you how you’re suppose to miss them?) but we’re back today, bruh!
And I messed up this recipe. BECAUSE I was scrambling to pack and get organized and tie loose ends and clean up before we left town, I completely forgot the parmesan at the end. It’s just a topping but I’m peeved that I forgot it. And what’s even worse is that I didn’t even notice I forgot it until editing these blasted photos.
Are we still friends?
Let us peepeth anyway.

Only four ingredients! (three if you forget the parm. ha.)
We need simplicity during these hot months so here we are with a bucket of simplicity. I’m pretty sure you can get into this.

Let’s toast our pine nuts. I always prefer a skillet because you WILL burn them in a toaster oven. Don’t try to argue this. Something will go wrong with the setting or the timer or your hair and they’ll get BURNT up. All that pine nut money, crisped up to ashes. So toss them around in a skillet until they begin to turn golden brown. Then just tip them into a little bowl until you’re ready to use ’em.

This is the way I cut the zucchini. I feel like I planned on just slicing them into circles but kept going without realizing what was happening and this is where we landed. I’m into it though.
Also forgot to photograph them in the skillet all seared up because my noggin’ was unhinged apparently.

Boom. So pretty. And so simple! You’ll grab a cute little serving dish and violently throw the seared zucchini in. Top it with fresh mint, the toasted pine nuts, the parmesan that you’ll remember, and perhaps another drizzle of your best olive oil. You’ve salted the zucchini in the skillet, so chances are it won’t need another pinch. But taste it and see! Basically you’re flying like the little bird you are.

It’s a side dish that sings, I tell ya. The mint freshens the whole thing up, the pine nuts are. . . well, nutty. The zucchini is earthy and savory. And this took what, less than ten minutes? Ridiculous.
And you’ll remember the cheese. I feel like you’ll remember the cheese.
If you don’t remember the cheese you still end up with this flavorful mess. So good. The kids snarfed within minutes.
And you know what, if your grill is fired up, just grill the zuccs, man. Even better.

We still have a lot of summer left, okay?
- 2 medium zucchini, halved and quartered
- 2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup pine nuts
- 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
- Fresh mint for garnish
- Coarse salt and pepper
- In a medium skillet, lightly toast the pine nuts. Once golden brown (don’t take your eagle eye off them!) pour them into a little bowl. Add the oil to the pan and bring to a medium-high heat. Add the zucchini along with a pinch of salt. Sauté until seared on both sides. This takes about six minutes total.
- Transfer the zucchini to a small serving tray and top with the pine nuts, fresh mint and parmesan. Which I completely forgot. You do that part, though. Maybe another drizzle of olive oil or fresh lemon juice, if you’re feeling it!
- Serves 3-4 as a side.

Just don’t forget the cheese.
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