Hiiiiiiiiii hello there I’m still alive. Happy December! I still cannot understand how this happened. But here we are. At Christmastime. And I’ve got TUNES, BRAH.

Is it a Christmas mixtape? I mean . . . yeah. In places.
It’s more cozy snuggly wintery snowy festive warming hygge-y than anything. Not every song on this playlist will be shoving Santa down your pancreas. You know that ain’t my steez.
And you know, hopefully these are songs (or versions of songs) that you’ve not heard before! Take for instance, track 6 – Tezeta by Mulatu Astatke. When this song comes on, you’ll know it. Because you’ll turn to whatever little Alexia box or surround sound speakers or Say Anything-style boombox is playing your music and you’ll say, “Ooooo Bev what’s this?” And I’ll creepily beam back to your subconscious, “Yeah I know, right?” It’s Ethio jazz, and it will own you from now until the end of time.
Of course I sprinkled in some songs will singing in them. Because it’s Christmas. But mostly, it’s just jazzy feel good music. Warming piano music. Nostalgic soul food music. (ALSO I HAVE A NAME-THAT-MOVIE SONG IN HERE. So report back once you know it. Coolthanks.)
I usually link these out at the end, but in case you never make it that far (hey man, I get it), I’ll go ahead and link out past Christmas mixtapes, because I know how you people are.
Last year! It’s more indie folk overall.
Two years back! My MOST popular mixtape to date. You all love this one so hard.
Three years back! Another jazzy, swingy playlist. You basically should listen to all these back to back.
And four! A little bit of jazz, a little of indie, a touch of eggnog. You know.
And now, I give you . . . The “Brass Bells and Glowing Garland” Mix.
p.s. How’s your shopping going?? DARE I EVEN ASK?
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