Tag Archives | snoopits

Snoopits: The Holiday Edition

Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

SANDY CLAWS IS COMINNNNG TO TOOOOOWN. It’s been an entire year since I’ve screamed Christmas songs at you. You’ve ached daily for it, haven’t you? Welcome to the last edition of Snoopits for the year! I need to think of things for you to snoop in 2015. My sock drawer? (just kidding) My collection of […]

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Snoopits: The Walls Edition

Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

Ahhhh, welcome to the second edition of Snoopits! The series that allows me to pretend I’m cool enough for you to want to snoop around my crib. All the while realizing there will never be a world or lifetime in which I am cool enough to say the word crib. So what we have here […]

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