Tag Archives | sisters

Do You Have To Let It Linger? Yes, Actually You Do.

Bev and Bar - Linger

There simply aren’t human words that can accurately articulate how much the combination of this song + this experience means to me. Besides the entire onslaught of words I’m about to unload on you. Ohhhh, The Cranberries. Any of you who were real-life friends with me back in the day might remember that there was […]

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Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

fRiDaYRrIdAyfRiDaYFrIdAyfRiDaYFrIdAyfRiDaYFrIdAy. I want to get more into sauces in 2016. Like, pan sauces! The kind that you make right at the end of cooking a meal- add some sherry, some mustard, some loose hair (<–just kidding), and whisk her up until she be all glorious like. I feel like I hardly ever make pan sauces. […]

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I’m The Cool Aunt


Going out to dinner with a girlfriend tonight.  But I have to tell you, I found out yesterday that I’m going to be an aunt to a beautiful little girl.  I can’t wait to love her like crazy and give her obnoxious amounts of pink things.  She needs to know now that her mom is […]

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