Tag Archives | potato salad

Classic Potato Salad

Classic Potato Salad / Bev Cooks

Pertaters! But let’s give it style. You all know my maniacal obsession with thrifting. Estate saling, garage saling, flea marketing, swap meets, junk hunts. I love it. I love it all. Well I found this little cookbook recently at an estate sale. And I’ll tell you, from the dense weight of it (small but heavy!), […]

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Summer Creole Shrimp Rolls


Hey guess what! I made shrimp last night for the first time in four months. That’s right, man. Looked through a magazine, saw a picture of shrimp and thought, “Whoa, I didn’t barf on the spot. IT’S TIIIIME.” One thing I always craved before getting pregz, barely craved at all during the beginning, and definitely […]

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