Tag Archives | pizza

Roasted Butternut Squash and Kale Pizza


A couple of evenings ago my phone danced around on the kitchen table, alerting me of a new text. “I’ve some got butternut squash from my parent’s garden for ya. Can I drop by real quick?” Sa-weeeeet. We hadn’t grown any butternut squash in our garden this year (or ever), so when Carly brought the […]

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Garden Tomato Pizza


I know I just posted about pizza not too long ago, but  who can really help it? It’s summer, and that obviously means that your face needs the pizza. Especially when every few seconds a nurse brings in a basket of baby tomatoes newly birthed from the garden. * we don’t have a nurse in […]

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Grilled Summer Pizza


I won’t speak for everyone, but I feel like for every foodie bloggerister, mastering the art of pizza dough is pretty important. Aaron and I have fiddled with about 7,325 different pizza dough recipes. Some resulting in rounds of high-fives; others resulting in pouty face parties. It just happens. Well, I’m going to surrender to […]

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Potato, Leek and Bacon Pizza


Even when you stay at home, there’s still a magic about a weekend approaching. The energy in the air is different. Your hair blows in the breeze a little sexier. Your skin tone glows with anticipation. The flowers bloom a little brighter and the trees stand a little taller. Your nails grow a little faster […]

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Why Do I Love Pizza So Much?


Well, my big news right now is, at the end of the day tomorrow, I’m retired. It’s true! I bought a yacht and I’m moving to Greece to hang with celebrity chefs so we can shuck oysters and discuss drawn butter. Okay so I’m not going to Greece, but I’m going home. Home to breathe, […]

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Pizza Helps Snow Melt, Right?


Isn’t the old saying, “Every time a pizza is eaten, a snowman takes a beatin’?” Oh Wow, that’s pretty dark. As in Guy Noir dark. As in Kill Bill dark. As in cover your kids’ ears and hide them from me forever dark. …Who am I? I’ll tell you what I am – I am […]

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Aaron Cooked!


You guys, this morning Aaron said he wanted to make pizza, and he wasn’t kidding. While I showered, did my nails and channel surfed, he made dough from scratch, simmered a homemade sauce, marinated chicken and roasted corn. I am seriously in love. I did help wash a dish or two, of course. But I […]

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