Tag Archives | parsley

Fennel and Parsley Salad

Fennel and Parsley Salad / Bev Cooks

WELLLL I had a great post up, but it all vanished. So! here are the photos. I can’t remember what I said earlier, but it was a gas I tell you. A gas. Hope you enjoyed this post. Ha! Fennel and Parsley Salad Save Recipe Print Recipe Ingredients1 fennel bulb, trimmed, cored and thinly sliced […]

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Salmon and Israeli Couscous with Cucumbers

Seared Salmon with Israeli Couscous and Cucumbers / Bev Cooks

It’s a short week! And a festive one. Salmon might not be at the tip top of your noggin, but I’m slinging it your way anyway! This is going to be that dinner you remember when you’re under a mountain of Christmas cookies and pies. And you need something a wee bit lighter, and Omega […]

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