Tag Archives | mixtape

The “Chill It and Trip It” Mix

Roses / bev cooks

Good morning it’s May! It’s been May for five days. But I feel like you might have a needed a reminder. That it’s May. Ohhhhh you guys this mixtape. I’m so excited because it’s different than anything I’ve posted before, and I have a feeling it might just do the trick for you. It sort […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Are We Slidin’?

Monthly Mixtape: Are We Slidin'?

How was January five and a half months long just now? None the less, we’re cruising into February and I’ve got some tuuuuunes for ya! And it’s a THEME. You know how I like a good theme. My friend Trisha asked me a while back, “Are you ever going to create a country mixtape?” Well, […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Baguettes and Berets

Monthly Mixtape: Baguettes and Berets

Although I do think I’m actually eating a croissant here. TANT PIS, LE GARS. At last! Your Francaaaais mixtape. I will confess, my knowledge of French music was actually pretty limited before putting this playlist together. Outside of Stereolab, the Amélie soundtrack and Brigitte Bardot, I was jumping in cold! Well, cool. I know the […]

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