Tag Archives | cookbook

Chickpea Shawarma Flatbread

Chickpea Shawarma Flatbread / Bev Cooks

Am I the only one who desperately wants to pet those little chickpeas and call them Frank? This appetizer! First of all, I can’t take credit for it. It’s not mine. But I did inhale 5/8ths of it in 12 minutes flat. Does that count? My sweetie pie/travel partner gal friend Sonja of A Couple […]

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BBQ Chicken-Pizza Soup + Giveaway!


(this giveaway is now closed) It’s theme week on the https://bevcooks.com blog internet website URL! And no, the theme is not Bev Discusses Her Struggle With Nail Biting. Although I’m sure that would be so much fun for you? I’m actually featuring recipes from all my friends’ current cookbooks! Also known as Why Didn’t I […]

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Cookbook Review and Mushroom Soup


Something really cool happened. Yes, I washed my hair, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Do you want to guess? Do you like guessing games? See, I do, but it seems like anytime I crave a good guessing game, everyone around me groans, rolls their eyes and would rather discuss oral hygiene. On turtles. […]

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