Green With Curry. I Mean Envy. I Mean Curry.


We’re in the depths of Fall and nothing could be more crisp or colorful. I love my drives around town, especially when the sun rays split through tree branches and radiance bounces around from leaf to leaf, blinding me. Ok, I don’t love the blinding, but I love the color! Each year when the comfort […]

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The Sole of the Matter


When I was a little kid I attempted to eat the ever so popular Fruit Roll Up as a snack. I also made my sister Barbara eat dirt from a small garden hose as a snack, but that’s beside the point. I also threw locust shells on her once while she was bathing, but again, […]

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We Had Monday. And We Had Steak.


We had Monday. We had clients. We had sushi for lunch. We had mid afternoon coffees. We had the realization that my boots need the heels capped. We had a husband land safely from a work trip. We had new jeans on. We had a rainstorm. We had a new candle at work that might […]

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Fall Risotto


I bought a huge bag of brussels sprouts yesterday, so if you see the little guys appearing in, well, every single dish this week, don’t hold it against me, mk? Fall Risotto with Roasted Brussels Sprouts in an Acorn Squash Puree: What it took: * 20 brussels sprouts, ends trimmed and halved * 1 acorn […]

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Fondue: The Healthy Way To Eat Cheese, Right?


Last night a girlfriend came over and we ate cheese.  A lot of cheese.  There was much of the dipping into the cheese.  Don’t worry, we ate our vegetables.  We coated them in cheese.  We had good, nutritious bread too.  Soaked in cheese.  We were this close to dipping any and all household objects into […]

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Onion, Cheddar and Parsley Frittata


As I type this I am wiping up the last of the parmesan shavings with my finger and sharing onion bits with little miss Charlie.  She kind of likes frittata. What it took: * 2 eggs * 1/2 a medium yellow onion, sliced thinly * 1/4th cup chopped fresh parsley * sprinkle of Hungarian sweet […]

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I’m The Cool Aunt


Going out to dinner with a girlfriend tonight.  But I have to tell you, I found out yesterday that I’m going to be an aunt to a beautiful little girl.  I can’t wait to love her like crazy and give her obnoxious amounts of pink things.  She needs to know now that her mom is […]

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You Won’t Regret It


Around my house I have a little catch phrase that I like to throw out to Aaron when a) I’d like him to do something or b) um, I’d like him to do something. It’s the “you won’t regret it” route. It goes something like this. “Hey sweetie, you should totally mow the lawns. They’ll […]

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Let Your Kitchen Do The Work


Today was one of those days where I drove home in a brain-fried haze and walked into my house wondering if I was even in the right house.  I remember petting a little black, happy animal.  I’m not sure what it was. As my eyes began to focus, so did my stomach. So, of course […]

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