A cheeseburger brilliantly slid into pizza dough and baked until golden brown? I’m listening.

Okay, I didn’t reinvent the wheel. But it’s fun! And it changes up the routine if you’re in a rut. A grub rut. Haha. Never mind.
You might prefer cheeseburgers over calzones. Or calzones over cheeseburgers. And that’s fine, you’re still a good person. But this is going to be there for you when you’re at a crossroads in your life. Because that moment always comes. Just like the lull in a conversation and then someone says Abraham Lincoln! (<–me) It happens. Now this will, too.
Let us peepeth.

Super simp. Like we do. I browned the ground beef with garlic and onion powders, and a pinch of salt. And honestly the rest is building it and baking it. Can’t get any better.

Let’s talk about this pizza dough. It’s that thin crust bistro store-bought kind I like. This is the brand. But really, anything you want to use is fine. This one is about 8 oz, but if you find a pound of dough, just roll it out thinly and make as many calzones as you prefer. It’s truly a willy nilly situation here.
Let’s brush the soon-to-be-insides with mayo! I’m a Duke’s fan. What are you? (don’t hide that love for mayo. let it fly.)

Alrighty, time to build. Ground beef, sliced tomato, hamburger dill pickles, cheddar cheese. That’s all she wrote. (she = me)

Then just fold it over itself, pinch the seams to create a calzone shape, brush the tops with an egg wash and sprinkle with Everything Bagel seasoning. And you’ve got yourself the cutest little burgy burg calzones ever.
And I’ll tell you what, I had a bit of leftover ground beef, so I probably could have stuffed these some more, or just had another slab of dough and made another round. That’s the fun part about this. You just create based on what you have!
. . . h . . . hello?

So pretty. The pizza dough has cooked and turned golden brown, and inside is a deliciously melty cheeseburger situation that will please any ol’ face in town. Or your house, whatev.
And you know what, that savory pop of Everything Bagel seasoning on top, it just works. Don’t skimp, okay?

They’re like happy little pockets of comfort. You can’t deny this. Let’s look inside!

O m g, that pickle was the perfect bite of tart in all that cheeseburger savoriness. It’s warm, melty, umami-y. You have to make these! They’re on the small size since my pizza dough wasn’t enorm, so think about these for a football match party gathering or something. Anytime. Dinner, after-school snacks, all of it.
I served mine with little bowls of ketchup, but whatever you like on your burg totally works. Just get in these, already.

Prepare to completely freak.
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 cup hamburger pickles
- Thinly sliced tomato
- 8 oz cheddar cheese, grated
- 2-4 Tbs. mayonnaise
- Store-bought round pizza dough (I used a bistro dough that was 7.8 oz, but a thicker dough is fine!)
- Coarse salt
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- Everything bagel seasoning
- Ketchup, for dipping
- Preheat your oven to 350.
- Heat a wide skillet to a medium high heat. Add the ground beef and brown all over, using a wooden spoon. Add a tsp of oil if needed. Add in the garlic and onion powders, along with a pinch of salt. Cook another minute.
- Roll out the pizza dough onto a lightly floured work surface. Cut the dough into four equal parts, then brush with mayo. Top with the cooked beef, tomato pieces, a few pickles, and a sprinkling of cheese. Roll the dough over itself and pinch the sides together, creating a calzone.
- Place them on a rimmed baking sheet and brush with the egg wash, along with a sprinkling of the Everything Bagel seasoning. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and beautiful.
- Serve with any condiments you dig!
- Makes four calzones.

Wanna race?
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