FFFFFFFerder. Want to know what I love most about a court trial? THE SKETCHES. Who made that up, you think? It’s not because cameras aren’t allowed because we’ve all binged true crime documentaries like unhinged nutcases. Listen, you can’t have a legit trial without a solid courtroom sketch artist. I remember being somewhat curious about […]
Archive | Friday Flotsam
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFFFroopy doopy. So we all picked up on Taylor’s secret message in that long note she left on Instagram yesterday, right? APRIL NINTH. Dude you should have seen me the moment I saw that first rando capital letter in the middle of her first sentence. “This is a secret message, Aaron! I know she does […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRReederleedee. When was the last time you peed your pants in public? Perhaps that’s not as solid a start as it was in my head. Maybe it would help if I remind you of the time I peed my pants in public. Yes, this is an actual blog post I’m writing in real life. Maybe […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRReh! Deh! Don’t we feel like Swift’s gonna release another Long Pond Studio Sesh Thingy on Disney + any day now? But with Evermore? I feel like it’s coming. Don’t you feel like it’s coming? It’s coming, I can feel it. Because she keeps releasing all these little EPs every few days, and I JUST […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRillylillyloo. You want to know something that makes me crazy? (you’re like, you mean besides everything?) In movies (and tell me if you’re the same), when someone receives or delivers a bouquet of flowers, and things don’t go quite as planned, and the FLOWERS ARE THE ONES TO PAY. Gettin’ thrown and dumped and trashed […]
Friday Flotsam
Fffffffffffffffffffffffffrome on doooooown! (<–can’t believe it took me that long.) Who is Allen? And – who is this Phillip? And more critically, what makes them think they just go around naming wrenches and screwdrivers? Are they buddies? Because if you name a tool after yourself, you’re definitely not “friends,” you’re “buddies”. Do you think Allen […]
Friday Flotsam
FrrrrrrrrooooooaaaahhhI had to brush off the dust in here! Hi hi! Proofing bowls. (just jumping right in.) Do I neeeeeed one? And also, do you call it a proofing bowl or a proofing basket? It looks baskety, but in a bowl shape. And I do not want to get this wrong with my bread heads. […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRibby jibby! This is weird. On my ED CAL (I hate that word and I feel like you might need to with me), I write out little topics I’d like to discuss with you on Fridays. Right? Right. Well this morning I took a look at it, and it just says Nancy. Nancy. WHO IS […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrra! da! So I have a plan. A grand master of plan of the ultimate in psychological trickery. I’m painting my fridge. Hold on, listen. For those of you who’ve not followed along with the fridge obnoxiousness – I blame Covid. We ordered a new refrigerator in J U L Y, and each time we […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRachoo! Made ya look. Guys, I’m struggling. And this is serious. I’m being serious. Super serious. So serious. I’m struggling with how I feel about someone. Because on paper, this person is the colossal opposite of me when it comes to style and aesthetic, but I can’t help my flustered, giddy emotions anytime this person […]