Archive | Chicken

Midterm Marsala


The election results are in and it’s no surprise that Chicken Marsala is the clear winner for tonight’s dinner. The prosciutto brought in many mental votes while preparing for this meal. Capers, butter and velvety spinach won by a landslide in the accents department. If the staunch policy of this succulent dish is to promise […]

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Wax On, Wax Off


Have you ever wondered why parsnips are sold with a wax coating? Well let me tell you why. It’s to seal in moisture and increase the shelf life. Who knew!? Oh, you did? Oh. Well good thing I learned this so I didn’t end up serving chicken and parsnip wax soup to my husband and […]

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Roast Chicken – Check.


Yard tasks – check. House tasks – check. Eye roll directed at oversized zucchini – check. Dehydrator works double shift for both harvested peppers and zucchini – check. Never get out of yoga pants all weekend – check. Nap during football game – check. Look at ever growing leaf pile in front yard – check. […]

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Green With Curry. I Mean Envy. I Mean Curry.


We’re in the depths of Fall and nothing could be more crisp or colorful. I love my drives around town, especially when the sun rays split through tree branches and radiance bounces around from leaf to leaf, blinding me. Ok, I don’t love the blinding, but I love the color! Each year when the comfort […]

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You Won’t Regret It


Around my house I have a little catch phrase that I like to throw out to Aaron when a) I’d like him to do something or b) um, I’d like him to do something. It’s the “you won’t regret it” route. It goes something like this. “Hey sweetie, you should totally mow the lawns. They’ll […]

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Ragin’ Cajun


One of my favorite things to do when a foodie friend or relative comes to visit is to take them to the most tantalizing spice shop found in downtown old Overland Park, Penzeys Spices.  Seriously, this place is a nostril’s utopia. They have little sniffing jars at each station so you can torture yourself before […]

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