Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Stovetop Chicken Stroganoff

Stovetop Chicken Stroganoff / Bev Cooks

Strog! I call it Strog and everyones hate it. Strog, bro! This is a little different. It’s all stovetop (which I guess most are), but it uses a blend of Greek Yogurt and sour cream with tomato paste that’s to completely scream over. And the chicken – we’re using thighs that we’ve seasoned and seared […]

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Friday Flotsam

pretty fall trees / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruhduflusuh! We got RAIN!!!! IT RAINED LAST NIGHT!!!! And I leapt (leaped?) from the sofa the moment it hit and threw open the back door and danced around the living room like some deranged weirdo (name that tune) and nearly cried. Stayed up PAST my granny bedtime to walk around the entire house and listen […]

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Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup

Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! It’s soup time. Someone asked me in Instagram the other day when you all were getting a new soup. Well guess what, Chachi. It’s criminally simple. But as always, packs a punch that will have all the oooohs and aaaaahs seeping out everywhere. (that sounded weird, sorry.) We do take a shortcut with frozen […]

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Friday Flotsam

moody books / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrreedledeedoooo! Why is no one questioning who all these bridesmaids are in Father of the Bride? Like, who actually are they? And the groomsmen! So many! Who are these people again? Because remember, earlier in the movie when they’re all sitting around the patio table eating dinner and discussing the word “pit on a wedding […]

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Udon Noodles with Mushrooms and Fried Eggs

Udon Noodles with Mushrooms and Fried Eggs / Bev Cooks

Saaaaaalurp. But this time – udon noodle style! With sautéed mushrooms, a fried egg and a most deliciously spicy (but not too spicy!) drizzle of umami bliss. Shall we? Baby bellas. You can get them anywhere. Even white button mushrooms are fab. We just want them stemmed and sliced. Also, while we’re cooking our mushrooms […]

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Creamy Sundried Tomato Orecchiette

Creamy Sundried Tomato Orecchiette / Bev Cooks

Embarrassingly simple dinner alert! And pure luxury, while we’re at it. Tell you what, look around in your pantry real quick. Chances are, you have a lonely jar of sundried tomatoes back there. Go hunt. I’ll wait. No really, I’m good. You go look. I’ll do Spelltower. You found it! Okay, so this is what […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall walkway / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsamflotdayfri! I have a little personal tidbit of info that I think you might find surprising. I’m severely underestimating your interests, in other words. Get this, I can stick my hand down a garbage disposal without barfing or passing out. With the motor off, you psycho! But I can. It took me a long long […]

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Homemade Roasted Garlic Butter

Homemade Roasted Garlic Butter / Bev Cooks

Did you see that title?! We are so getting our farmer on. You guys, this was the very first time I made butter from scratch. To put it mildly, I was completely freaking my face off. Butter! From scratch! Have you made this before? Science is so bananas. To watch a liquid transform into a […]

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Honeycrisp Apple Galette

Honeycrisp Apple Galette / Bev Cooks

While it’s still September, let’s squeeze in one more apple situation. You can’t be upset about this. Galette! My favorite. Also called free-form pie, which I thoroughly dig. This version today will have us experiencing honeycrisp apples and earthy rosemary to the highest degree. And we’ll sweeten with the most delicious agave nectar (honey is […]

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