I love thrifting. I used to garage sale hop every weekend all through my 20’s and early 30’s. I don’t do it as often as I used to, but when I find something good, it reignites the giddiness that I felt all those years. My newest find: burnt orange vintage pillows. (they were clean I […]
Author Archive | Bev Weidner
Southwest-Style Nachos
My lawn is fertilized and seeded. Birds are making a nest above my outdoor patio speaker. Springs showers make their way in and out of the area. My dog has only killed 2 rabbits so far this season. Let’s just go ahead and call this “success.” Southwest-Style Nachos: Oh and Seth, you’re right. This might […]
Alright rain, let’s get this party started.Did I really just type that?
Alright rain, let’s get this party started. Did I really just type that?
Last night I had a girlfriend over to help me make a dent in the stuffed shells I made earlier in
Last night I had a girlfriend over to help me make a dent in the stuffed shells I made earlier in the week. She brought over two loaves of some amazing local bread and a great bottle of white wine. Needless to say, the dent in the shells was pretty miniscule after we shoved truck […]
Chicken Sausages with Mushrooms and Ed. and His Mama.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I took a shower earlier in some green food coloring and you guys, it’s not coming out. Is this some joke? Where’s the camera? Are you Curtis Stone? Wait, wrong show. (Bonus points to anyone who knows who Curtis Stone is. Jenny, shut your mouth.) (I never have bonus points on […]
Breakfast Salad
Well, there’s a huge, random dog in my back yard. Looks like I’m off to find its owner. Seriously, what is going on? First a bird flies into my house and now this? Wait, is this the apocalypse? I haven’t even brushed my teeth!
Heavenly Stuffed Shells Stuffed With Heaven
Mama. Mia. Mother of the babies that drink the morning dew. If there is one thing truly meant for you to do in this life and on this planet, it is to take an afternoon and make stuffed jumbo shells. STUFFED JUMBO SHELLS. Wonderfully large pasta shells filled to the rim with fluffy ricotta, velvety […]
Lunch al fresco! Simple sandwich with tuna, avocado, roasted red bell pepper and red oni
Lunch al fresco! Simple sandwich with tuna, avocado, roasted red bell pepper and red onion on whole grain toast.
Ah, finally – the crocus.
Ah, finally – the crocus.
Shrimp Pad Thai
Man, March is such a weirdo. I was on a 2-mile (had to throw that in there in case any of you who don’t walk two miles would be totally impressed with me. but if you’re more like a 10-mile walker, ignore. and stop laughing.) with my dog today and I was in and out […]