Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Keepin’ It Simple


This is such a simple meal. Like, simple to the dimple. Like, simple to the dimple to the pimple. Okay pimple is NOT a word appropriate for a food blog. My apimplegies. POLOGIES. Anyway, if you like your dimples simpled, try this simple one. …dimple. Chicken Chunks and Orzo with a Pesto Drizzle: What it […]

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Thai Pork Salad with Cellophane Noodles


It’s Oscar night! The red carpet is littered with the rich and famous, dressed to the nine in the finest gowns and tuxes. I look pretty good, too. I’m lounged on my red sofa, wearing some designer (read: tattered) yoga pants from 1997, and my hair is in a most elegant (read: ratty) low bun […]

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Man Food


Yesterday morning Aaron woke up really craving some “man food.” He wanted steak, potatoes and broccoli. “Awesome! Take over!” I told him. I had a baby shower to attend mid-afternoon, so while I was gone he zipped out for the ingredients and had the kitchen to himself last night. Let me rephrase that. He mostly […]

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A Most Random Chili, But Awesome.


Came home tonight to discover absolutely nothing in the fridge. I’m not kidding you guys, I think I saw a tumble weed blow past the lonely onion. With resources running low and the energy level of a postal stamp, I needed to pull together something creative, quick and tasty. Hello pantry. Canned beans, tomatoes and […]

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What’s All That Pink Stuff?


It happens every year about this time. We have a few 70-degree days and the gun is jumped. Tank tops are re-introduced to pale skin, chaco sandals are thrown on, the pony-tail is back in action. And then it’s over. Just like that. The temperature drops and all hopes and dreams of a new life […]

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