Gah! Sorry I’ve been so MIA. Between my own doctor, the vet and outside deadlines before le bebes arrives, it’s straight up whack-a-doodleville over here.
But I’m showing you bacon today, so that makes up for it, right?
. . . R . . . right?
But first, the deal with my dog:
Charlie girl. You know Charlie. She’s 6 years old, a rat terrier/black lab mix. Basically looks like a lab that’s been left in the dryer a little too long. Girl be tiny. Well, a few weeks ago she started vomiting and coughing, eyes watering, completely out of sorts. A few grueling visits to the vet and this is what we know. She’s been unofficially diagnosed with a neuromuscular, degenerative muscle fatigue disease called Myasthenia Gravis, which makes it hard for her to blink her eyes, swallow her food (megaesophagus), and even walk. The walking part has basically destroyed me. To see her little legs waddle (we look the same!) and collapse just after a few steps? No thanks. Can’t deal.
So, she’s on a couple of medications – one that keeps her food down and keeps her blinking, and another that gives her muscles strength so she can walk, play, jump off the bed/couch, etc. It’s definitely a new routine, shoving pills in her mouth all day, keeping her food and water elevated, and keeping her upright for a few minutes after she eats, but I’ll do it. She needs to be here for these babies. The end.
They say it’s not necessarily the MG that takes her life, but the possibility of aspiration pneumonia, due to inhaling food particles into her lungs. So far the meds seem to be working, and she seems happy, playful and semi-normal. I’ll take it.
Needless to say, the last few weeks have been b.r.u.t.a.l. AND on top of that I’m supposed to be all blissful and calm and tranquil for my belly babes during these last few weeks of pregnancy. HA. HA. I am feeling much better after finding a dosage that hopefully works for her, and my stiffy B-Hickers have chilled a bit.
So that’s what’s going on with her. Sorry to be such a wah-fest.
Did you see the bacon wrapped around these stuffing bites?
Because there’s bacon wrapped around these stuffing bites. And you need to see and eat it.
Thanksgiving appie? Yes.
Breakfast right now? Obviously.
Bacon-Wrapped Stuffing Bites, feeeeerrrr yer face.
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